Saturday, June 1, 2019


         Most of us use/eat eggs because it gives a variety to our food. Many eat it as boiled ,some like to have it as omelette 🍳 and some at it as raw thinking its very healthy when eaten this way. But amongst the third category ,there are also those who hit gym regularly or do rigorous exercises in order to increase or decrease their weight as the high quality protein content in these eggs helps to build muscles in the body for gym hitters.But in here lies the question that in what form should be it consumed so that our body gets the maximum benefit of it .Also consuming egg in an improper way may devoid the benefits it possesses .Today we will discuss the difference between Raw,Fried and Boiled egg and also the right time of its consumption .In order to understand this we will have to look into these two things :


     So lets see what nutrients a raw egg possesses and after boiling it whether these nutrients increases or decreases .An egg is rich in protein and fats .If we remove the yellow portion of the egg, ( called egg yolk) what is left is pure 4 gm protein which is the world cheapest and most high quality protein .
And this is the reason why gym hitters eat eggs in order complete their daily requirement of protein. This Protein helps in building muscles of gym hitters .But in here lies the myth that a raw egg has more protein than cooked or boiled eggs.But this  is not true . An egg has 6 grams pf protein , 2 grams in its egg yolk and rest in its egg white. Egg white is the clear liquid (also called the albumen or the glair/glaire) contained within an egg. But even after cooking or making omelette/ frying, its protein content remains unaltered .The only difference  in frying eggs or making in omelette is that there is an increase of fat content  as oil is used for this process .


    Now the second question arises that egg in which form, raw or fried or boiled is absorbed well in the body and which one is wasted. So many of us  will now think πŸ€” that since the protein content is the same in all the three so wont it be more healthy and time saving if we eat it raw ?
But the first and the main problem in egg, is a bacteria named 'Salmonella'.when ever we eat an egg raw ,there is a great risk of food poisoning in our body which can result in stomach ache ,loose motion, headache,vomiting and fever,specially in children, elderly persons and pregnant women.It doesn't happen to every one because some people have high immunity.Their body immune systems destroys this bacteria and hence they escape the disadvantages of eating raw eggs.But still ,here we should understand that consumption of raw egg is not a healthy option for everyone.
    Also the  second ill effect of eating egg in raw form is that our body is only able to absorb 50% of its content. Remaining protein gets wasted. But when eaten  boiled or in the form of omelette, 90-95% of its protein is well absorbed in our body .And also being cooked in high temperature🌑, the Salmonella bacteria is destroyed.πŸ‘Š 
    Another disadvantage of eating raw egg is it prevents "Biotin (Vitamin B complex) being absorbed in our body .Due to regular intake of raw eggs, our body develops Biotin deficiency, which results in hair falling,sleeplessness at night, skin rashes and other problem arises .

    For Gym hitters , the best time is before or after completing the exercises πŸ‹️‍♂️ .When consumed before or just after ,the protein content helps to a great extend  in repairing the damaged/broken down muscles during exercise .
     For normal people,who want to consume egg (including egg yolk) , the best time is during break fast as our body gets amino acid and healthy fats due to which our body remains energetic πŸƒ‍♀️  through out the day .


     Hence overall the nutrition found is the same in boiled, raw egg or fried/omelette but if taken in raw form,it may cause harmful effects on our body.So for better results it would be a good option to consume it as boiled or as omelette(use as least oil as possible for healthy results). 😊

Image sources : google images .