Sunday, June 9, 2019

When does ALOE VERA become POISON


     This article is not to frighten you but to educate on how to use this herb in a careful & beneficial way. People have been using Aloe Vera for many 1000 of years for its therapeutic properties.The leaves hold a translucent gel,which is made up of 96%water,some organic and inorganic compounds, a type of protein which contains 18 of the 20 amino acids found in the body and lastly , Vitamin A,B,C & E. Ayurveda, Chinese herbal medicine and British herbal medicine have all advocated Aloe Vera as a healer, when applied or consumed orally.
   Apart from the inner white fluid,it also had prickly and bitter outer skin ,which protects it from wild animals and insects.

  • When you cut the aloe vera leaf from the plant & consume the aloe vera white gelish extract (Inner leaf gel) along with a yellow extract,It'll act as a slow poison on you. You may experience stomach ache, vomiting, diarrhea, skin rashes , skin itching and other health disadvantages.
  •  Cut the leaf from the stem and incline it 45 -90 degrees or hang the stem in downward direction for 1 hour so that all the yellow fluid comes out of the plant itself  as shown in the pic below.

      After 1 hour appx. , was the leaf throughly. Then cut it from side thinly , so that the prickles gets removed. Then cut the dorsal and the ventral i.e. the front and the rear portion of the leaf . Now cut the remaining leaf from the middle and with the help of a spoon , scoop out the white gel in a glass bowl for consumption.If you want to refrigerate it in freeze , you can squeeze 1/3rd small lemon (it'll act as a natural preservative) and blend it in mixer for just 1 min. Keep it in glass bottle air tight container then freeze it. This can be used for 4-5 days . Its not advisable to be kept in steel or iron  bowl.

  • One other problem is that if you are told to consume it with water, then equal quantity (or a little more) of water and aloe vera juice is to be taken, If you mix ,say 4 spoons of aloe juice with one big glass of water, then you may experience acidity or gas as aloe vera consumes time to digest. 

    Some people may say i am making them afraid😂 .  But dear friends and readers , if you follow this simple procedure ,you'll get maximum benefits from this herbal plant & it won't be harmful anymore.
    If you like this article, do share it among your family & friends. Any suggestions, do comment it in the comment section below. Thank you... stay healthy 😊.

