Tuesday, June 11, 2019


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By seeing the Pin, you all must be knowing know whats its all gonna be about .But only a few knew that it will take <5 mins to make this medicinal juice . That is ,even boys can make it easily !!!! This is one of the most effective ,commonly followed natural remedy for dandruff ,hair - growth and for improving hair thickness/density. Its extremely beneficial for those people who are losing hair due to dandruff as this remedy will solve their main initial problem of hair fall .This is the 1st stage of  hair growth method.

  • Peel an onion and cut it into halves with clean hands .
  • Wash the onion with water,
  • Take a  plastic bowl and put a grater/shredder above it. (1st pic below).If it has a box (2nd pic below) ,then no need to put the bowl in between .

  • Now rub the onion over the grater (take care so as  not to hurt your hand/finger while grating)  so that the shredded onion gets collected in the bowl/box below.
  • Remove the grater now
  • You may now either collect the juice by simply pressing the grated onion's pulp with clean hand or may strain it with the help of cloth/seive. [you can use this pulp in cooking vegetables] 
  • Juice is ready for use. Took literally 5 mins 😂

  • If you have severe dandruff , gently part hair with comb and dip cotton and apply on entire  scalp in this method and also gently massage the scalp.You can add 5-8 drops of lemon to it (optional). If you dont have dandruff ,mix half or 1 spoon castor oil and apply on scalp by gently massaging it. Make sure the juice doesn,t get into your eyes in both the processes.
  • Use fresh onion juice for best results. It can be used for 4-5 days if freezed .
  • Half  medium sized onion for boys,quarter to 1 or 1 medium onion for girls( with long hair)
  • Apply for 1 hour and then wash it off with any organic shampoo


  1. Ever wondered why we get a pungent smell while cutting onion, which makes our eye burn. Its due to Sulfur present in it,which is very important to regenerate new hair on our scalp. It's also helpful in thickining of hair.
  2. It also rich in anti oxidents , which makes our hair young i.e. prevents it from graying.
  3. Has anti-bacterial properties which cleanses the scalp, cures dandruff and many other scalp infections
  4. Its juice provide nutrients & strength to the roots of hair and stimulates blood circulation.Also helps in hair falls
      Do not eat junk food like pizza,chips ,burgers etc and also cold drinks cause they are main culprits for dandruff. Eat simple and home made food. Include lots of salad and green vegetables in meals. Drink adequate water daily. Eat seasonal fruits .

      Hope this article is useful to those who are affected by dandruff. Do comment if you have any queries regarding this article. Thank you for reading. 😊