Monday, July 1, 2019


Homemade Aloevera  oil & it's benefit

Image courtesy : youtube

  Everyone wants strong and healthy hair . So today I gonna tell you how to make aloe oil which will not only give shine to your hair but will also help in hair growth and fight dandruff.


  • 1 cup coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon fenugreek powder
  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera powder  

 First we will make Aloe powder . You can make your own aloe powder in this way

  • Take a aloe leaf and cut it into thin pieces 
  • Dry them in sun
  • Finally grind them in a coffee grinder
   Also make fenugreek powder by grinding fenugreek seeds in a mixer/blender

  • Put a vessel on gas and fill it half with water
  • When it comes to boil, put the flame on low heat
  • Then cover it with any steel plate /container
  • Pour one cup coconut oil on the plate/container
  • Then put one tbsp of fenugreek and aloe vera powder in the oil
  • Keep stirring them every 10 -15 mins for 2 hours
  • After 2 hours put off the gas and let it cool
  • After cooling , strain the oil in an air tight glass bottle 
  • This oil can be used for 4 months 
  • Apply twice a week for 1- 2 hours and wash with any organic shampoo

Vedio of the whole process is above, you can watch it .


   Aloevera has proteolytic enzymes in them which repairs the dead cells of hair , thus making it strong and healthy thus making it shiny, thick and smooth. It has anti bacterial anti inflammatory and anti fungal properties that help to fight dandruff issues . It has 21 amino acids which helps to nourish your hair from roots besides being rich in Vitamin A , C ,E ,B1 ,B2 and B6 which are required for proper hair growth . Aloe Vera has the ability to stimulate blood circulations and provide oxygen to the hair follicles
     Fenugreek seed's  stimulates the hair follicles hence promoting hair growth.They are a good source of protein  which in turn helps strengthening the hair roots and preventing its breakage. It also improves the blood circulation as it contains iron .It nourishes the hair follicles, cleans them, strengthens them hence making them thick.It also has anti dandruff properties .It helps hair grow in the bald patch area of the scalp. It'll make your hair shiny and glossy too. It contains hormone antecedents that promotes the growth of new hair follicles on your scalp