Showing posts with label bottle gourd poisoning wiki. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bottle gourd poisoning wiki. Show all posts

Monday, June 17, 2019



      In 2010 , two doctors/scientists , drank lauki juice ,as they were diabetic patient , and died .(even i was at that time at Delhi, and probably every Delhiite who had heard this news , was in a shock).
     Similarly, in June 16,2018 , a woman ,aged 41 years died , with no underlying medical conditions .The doctors say that many such cases comes to them, which are unreported .[source - 2 ]
    Roughly, in both the above cases , the victims had severe  stomach ache,vommiting  diarrhea , and loose motion within 30 mins. - 1 hour of drinking the juice , and eventually died in the following days .


                                            [ Image source - ]
     Lauki/Bottle gourd juice is a boon in many ways to patients of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, flatulence, cooling properties, liver diseases, weight loss and other associated benefits. It is part of complementary and alternative therapy which is widely prevalent in India. (Source 1 )  .So what happens that this boon turn into a Bane ? 
     Doctors say Tetracyclic Triterpenoid Cucurbitacin (according to Indian Council of Medical Research ICMR ) , a complex compound ,found in the entire cucumber family that includes pumpkin, cucumber, bottle gourd, ridge gourd( tori/turai), indian apple gourd(tinde), bottle gourd, squash, eggplants ,melons ,are highly toxic for mammals,which is mainly found in wild cucumber family. Where as in their domestic grown counterparts have cucurbitacin in limited amounts. Some types of stress during growth, change in weather conditions, cross pollination between wild plants,poor fertilization,pesticides, injected chemicals, lack of adequate water are some of the scientific causes . Also some say that those grown near dirty or contaminated areas/water , tend to get poisonous.
                                                            [ Image source : Pixabay ]


    By taking these steps we can save ourselves from the danger that this class of plant family possesses. And there's no need to panic or throw your fave zucchini or cucumber/bottle gourd outta your kitchen !!!
  • Always buy organic vegetables
  • Try not mixing it with other vegetable juices 
  •  Now the best part (which i have been following since 2010 ) , before your cook or make juice out of Bottle gourd, cut a part , taste it , and if it tastes bitter, throw it . Same is the case for pumpkin, eggplant  ,cucumber, etc . It can be called " a poor man's test "  and can be availed by even a poor person . This bitter taste signifies that the plant is toxic.
  • Do not buy vegetables that are unusually big in size as they may be injected with some chemicals for growth .
Hope you like this article . Thank you ðŸ˜Š