Showing posts with label cure asthma. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cure asthma. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 24, 2019



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"If you don't have mother , do not worry . Triphala is there to take care of you . " - Ayurveda

  Triphala has been used in India from ages . It was made/invented by Rishi Charak some 5000 years ago . But due to change of life style and modern habits , the use of this herb is dying in the same country where it originated and generally people think that it is mainly for digestive problems like constipation , which is not the case. But thanks to some researchers , who are reviving it again by working upon it !!
 Read this ARTICLE on how to make 100% natural Triphala at home and trust me , you won't be disappointed because this simple looking herb has so much to give that you even can't imagine.

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Made by the combination of three herbs namely Amla , harad & baheda . In simple ayurvedic language Amla removes the toxins from our blood and Behera helps in collecting the essential nutrients from the blood while Harad facilitates the whole process .These three herbs have different properties but when consumed together in a defined dose/method , they help eradicate a lot of diseases. It is also a radioprotective and chemo preventive herb (5) . Now let's see the benefits Triphala , one of the most powerful herbs of Ayurveda :


     2014 study was done on 34 Indian  teenages aged 13-19 years (boys -? , Girls - ? )who had oral pre cancerous lesions due to smoking tobacco or gutka chewing (betel leaf), consistent mouth washing with Triphala powder for a period of 9 months , showed that it had the potential to reverse those pre cancerous lesions i.e. killed the cancerous cells / inhibited growth to a great extend !! (1)
   Another study too but on mice , it was found that  triphala killed the breast cancerous cell but did not do any harm to normal cells !! (2)
So if your had chewed tobacco gutkas or had been smoking , start doing mouth wash ever day and STOP TOBACCO USE !! QUIT IT !!
It's also effective in curbing colon cancer cells .


 It helps to control blood sugar levels due to its anti diabetic properties thus helping us to prevent diabetes . Intake of Triphala is also beneficial for diabetic patients but should be taken in a controlled limits .

 As Triphala is rich in phenolic and anti oxident content , it is a strong anti inflammatory herb .It helps to prevent arthritis and specially helps patients suffering from rheumetoid arthritis (8)

   In a small study on animals it was found that Triphala has potential anti obesity qualities . Regular intake of this help in reduction of fat loss along with total cholesterol and blood glucose level reductions and also reversing liver related issues/ailments .(3) .Harad in triphala , eradicate adipose tissues , which store fats in them so those persons who are into bodybuilding , athletics and weightlifting etc should regularly intake Triphala churn. In a study on humans , ranging 12 months , it was seen that intake of Triphala may reduce body weight by 5 kilos (6)

  Harad present in Triphala cuts the bad cholesterol in the blood , thereby normalising your blood pressure. So if heart problem is heriditory in your family , then you should intake triphala definitely . Cholesterol fats and calcium can form a condition called plaque in the blood which can cause the stiffness of the artery . Triphala counters this very effectively hence saving one from heart diseases like heart attack etc (4)


It keeps our digestive system healthy . Triphala has laxative properties which increases peristaltic movement thus cleaning our entire large intestine . Regular intake of this herb has potential power to curb 40 years old constipational problems !! It's also helpful in stomach ache , acidity & gas issues , vomitting & dysentery and in digestive problems .


Triphala cleans the toxins present in your blood via sweat , urine or excretion .You fell fresh every time as all the toxins are flushed out of the body and saves you from fatigue , laziness and heaviness . For this consume equal quantity of triphala (3-5 grams) with honey .


Triphala cures respiratory problems like Asthma , dry cough and also other forms coughs because of its anti oxident properties of amla. If you smoke too much and live in a very place where there is too much pollution , include consuming triphala in your daily routine.


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  Triphala make the roots of hairs healthy by providing nourishment to it and helps to counters the problem of hair whitening also brining shine to it  . It also protects against hair fall and dandruff . Can be applied on hairs directly , once per week as hair pack .

  It improves the overall health of our eyes.  For this , soak 10 grams of triphala powder in 500 ml of water and wash it the next day by filtering it's water. This will not only improve your eyesight but will also curb any eye problem like infections .

 Triphala has anti inflammatory properties along with anti viral properties along with the presence of Gallic and ellagic acids chebulagic acids and flavonoids , phenols and tannins , which saves us from many diseases and allergies .Those who have running or blocked nose and have low immunity issues , should consume it on regular basis .


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 It improves overall brain health there by increasing our memory & concentration power due to the properties of Amla. It also helps to fight irritation , stress , insomnia , headache and drizziness .


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  As it keeps our digestive system clean and purifies  our blood of toxins , it delays our aging process . One may look young by 10 years with its regular use . Can be applied on face for some prevention or acne removal .

 Due to its anti fungal , anti bacterial , anti viral , anti microbial anti oxident properties , it not only helps fight bad breathe but also over all oral health . It strengthens weak gums there by stops the problem of bleeding gums during brushing /eating . It is also helpful in tooth ache . You can use Triphala as a mouth wash too . Helps you get strong teeth due to the rich vitamin C content in Triphala .


1 yr = 0.12125 grams/day i.e if someone is 30 years old , he should consume more than 30 x 0.12125 grams / day and the total quantity intake should be less than 5 grams/day


If you are a normal person i.e. don't have any constipational problems or high BP problems etc , you can consume Triphala with jaggery or honey in the morning . Don't consume anything 1 hour before or after consuming Triphala . It will act as a health booster just like Chawanprash does but will be more effective

If you have any stomach related issues , take it 45 mins after your dinner with a glass of warm water. Do not eat anything after taking Triphala .

Always remember , consume it for a period of 2-3 months and avoid it's consumption for the next 20-30 days  . After that you can again start consuming it for 2-3 months and again stop it's intake for the next 20-30 days .

●Pregnant women or who are Breast feeding their child
●During fasts or dieting
●Severe weight loss
●Diarrhea or dysentery Excessive dryness or acidity
●Inflammatory bowel diseases IBDIf ●taking medicines for blood thinning
●If taking other medications , cheak with your doctor if Triphala is acceptable for you


  Triphala is a natural herb that cures as much as 114 diseases but care should be taken that it's consumed in a prescribed limit . Both modern science believes that all diseases start primarily from a unhealthy digestive system . Triphala counters it in a very effective way .