Showing posts with label cure for paralysis 2019. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cure for paralysis 2019. Show all posts

Friday, June 21, 2019



     Paralysis is a disease in which one is not able to move his body fully or partially and is not able to feel in the portion in which he is affected. It is generally believed that the left portion of the body, if paralysed , will take more time to heal as heart is generally situated in the left side of our body. 
    Today i am just giving these three remedies which will work amazingly for paralysis treatment .


  1.      Massaging the patient with oils is a very important part in recovery . Always remember to massage the head  or the body affected by paralysis separately i.e. if  you are massaging the head, then do not massage the affected area like hand feet face etc. 

  • take 25 grams of any Organic Black Pepper 
  • crush them to make fine powder
  • take about  150 - 200 grams of Organic Sesame ,Castor or Olive oil 
  • put this on very very low flame on gas in a utensil  and put the powdered black pepper into it
  • let it be there for about 15 - 25 mins
  • When the color of the pepper starts to change ,put off the gas 
  • put the utensil down and cover it with a lid
  • massage this lukewarm on patients affected area gently.
    2.     This method requires the patient to take oil through Nasal .

  • Take any Organic Cold Pressed Kalaunji/Nigella Sativa Oil
  • Lay the patient straight on bed.
  • Gently lower his head by holding his chin up
  • Drop only 1 drop (not more) of this oil into his nostril( so that the oil doesn't flow out) with the help of a dropper (Image here ) on the opposite side of paralysed area i.e. if his left part is paralysed, it should be dropped into the right nostril.
  • tell the patient to inhale the oil gently by closing the other nostril with fingers.(inhale from nostril and exhale from mouth.)
  • Initially it  come to the throat  but with gradual practice, it'll be fine
This remedy is so effective that in 10 days one will be able to see the results. The affected area will begin to move slighly and continued practice can make him fully recover. It has to be done daily once.
    3.     This method should be done Orally

Apart from these breathing exercises should be told  to be done by the patient like Anulom Vilom. If the patient is unable to move and unable to do pranayams/yoga , then tell him to take deep long  breathe 100 times  , as per his capacity . Diet chats and more ill be discussed in my following blogs 
        Thanks for reading And if any query/suggestions, do comment in the comment box. 😊



Image Courtesy :

     In simple words , the loss of ability to move or sometimes to feel anything in part or most of the body,mostly due to poison, injury or illness , is termed as paralysis .
     Anulom Vilom , a pranayam (control of breathing ) ,had helped Baba Ramdev in curing his Paralysis of the left part of the body . If a person has got paralysis and he does this yoga asap, there are many chances that he will be fully fit by maximum 30 days .It can also cure those who have had paralyis from a long time . In here, we will be mainly focussing on Paraplegia and Hemiplegia (refer Here for causes types etc of paralysis )

  • Sit in a padmasana  pose 
  • Close the left nostril with left thumb and breathe from the right nostril
  • Hold the breathe
  • Now close the right nostril with your left ring finger by putting outer pressure on right  nostrils, and loosen the left thumb pressure off the left nostril
  • Breathe out via left nostril
  • The breathing ,holding and exhaling time ratio should be 1:1:1 respectively For eg. if breathing in time is 5 secs , it should be same for holding that breathe and exhaling time
  •  Now inhale from left nose ,hold ,then leave again from right nose with hand posture being the same as mentioned above .
  • You have to keep focus on the breath the entire time you are doing this pranayam
  • Do this for 15 minutes for few days, then increase it to 30 minutes gradually per day , then increase it 30 minutes per day twice, morning ( preferable empty stomach after doing poo ) and evening ( 4 hrs after meals ) . To be done in a cool & silent place 
  • To get the maximum benefits please consult a yoga teacher. He will be able to help you in the maximum way .

Head ,spine and neck should be straight and you should sit in Padmasana posture (see Image -5 below)
                                                                 (Image - 5 )
                                                        (Image courtesty Wikipedia)   

       If the patient can't sit in this pose then make him sit on a chair with head,neck and spine straight ,  feet should touch the ground completely with thighs & knees  put together. Do it gradually and easily. He/she may take time to get the position right as he/she is already in pain due to paralysis.
Now lets assume the persons Right portion is affected by paralysis . Now see image 1 & 2 below

     Image 1 is the initial position . and Image -2 is the final position in which the index finger is tucked between the outer are of thumb region .The right hand should also have the same posture and be rested on the knee-ball region as shown in Image no 5.

Now see image 3 below. This is the posture in which the thumb will close the left nostril . Air has to be inhaled from right nostril and be held .

  •     In image 4,  The ring finger will close the nostril and the  air pass out though right nostril.The thumb should be loosened in that case.       
                   Below is a video by Ramdev Baba of Anulom Vilom Pranayama

Other Remedies 
  • Applying pressure on the upper portion of ring finger also helps cure paralysis
  • Applying pressure on the channels of hand and feet of the affected parts of the body also helps in curing paralysis . If affected on the right part of the body, press the right hand /feet channels 
Benefits of doing Anulom Vilom
  • Improves functionality of lungs 
  • can curb growing 1st stage Cancer 
  • Purifies the blood
  • Helps to prevent diabetes 
  • Helps to balance the sugar level in body
  • Cures Anxiety
  • Cures Depression'
  • Strengthens your cardio vascular system there by reducing all disorders related to heart.
  • May help in reduction of obesity 
  • Deep lung breathing keeps Asthma,Bronchitis ,TB  etc at bay
  • Regular practice aids in migraine pain reduction
  • Cures liver diseases
  • Boosts up your Confidence
  • Makes you active and happy
  • Helps your skin glow
Since every person has a different body structure , its best to do yoga under the guidance of a yoga teacher, to get the maximum benefits. I'll give more remedies in my next blogs as this blog has become lengthy . Thanks for Reading 😊