Showing posts with label medinal plants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label medinal plants. Show all posts

Monday, July 22, 2019

Save trees


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 A tree  absorbs carbon dioxide( CO2 )and converts it into oxygen or stores that CO2 in itself, which is released by humans via breathing , burning fossil fuels like coal , petroleum/crude oil , natural gas etc .Tress also absorbs potentially harmful gasses like sulphur dioxide , carbon mono oxide from the air and release oxygen . A 80 year old beech tree approximately  absorbes 1ton of CO2 in its life span i.e. 12.5 kg of CO2 every year !! Where as a human breaths 1 kg of CO2 gas /day which is just 7% of CO2 that is produced by burning fossils fuels/day !!
Trees/ Plant play very important role in our life by providing us with food fruits and oxygen , the basic needs for our survival . They are homes to birds ,squirrels and also wildlife  creatures . They also are useful in removing heavy metals from contaminated sites .Trees like neem and ashok help in reducing noise pollutions . They are also a source of our timber needs and medicinal requirements . Provide us cotton hence clothing too.
Of late we have been hearing many deaths by heat waves from various part of our country and abroad . Definitely those areas were having less trees which led to high temperature and death!! Further more trees help in flood controls by reducing the force of flood waters. They are also wind breakers i.e. control the wind speeds . They can absorb tonnes of flood water. They also prevent soil erosion .

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Since 1850 , the earth's temperature has risen by a whopping 36% and everyone is felling the heat !! More than 4 million trees cut per year just for paper use and with half of the planet's forest gone , the amount of CO2 is rising day by day . With more CO2 in the atmosphere , the Sun's radiation ,instead of reflecting back to the space , is being reflected on our earth , leading to rise in temperature levels.

If you have space in your lawn , plant any tress like mango , guava etc . If having less space , you can grow plants in pots. If you do not have spaces , support the NGOs engaged in planting tress , by donating to them .
Please do not wait for the government to do every thing for you . They have their own focuses or works. Go and buy a seed of any plant in a local weekly vegetable market (yeah !! You'll get it there ) , come home , dig a little hole and plant that seed . Just nurture it and it'll grow up to be you best friend for your life , giving u shade and fruit and most importantly oxygen , without which we can't survive for more than a minute!!

Article credit : Research
#trees #environment #plants