Friday, June 21, 2019



     Paralysis is a disease in which one is not able to move his body fully or partially and is not able to feel in the portion in which he is affected. It is generally believed that the left portion of the body, if paralysed , will take more time to heal as heart is generally situated in the left side of our body. 
    Today i am just giving these three remedies which will work amazingly for paralysis treatment .


  1.      Massaging the patient with oils is a very important part in recovery . Always remember to massage the head  or the body affected by paralysis separately i.e. if  you are massaging the head, then do not massage the affected area like hand feet face etc. 

  • take 25 grams of any Organic Black Pepper 
  • crush them to make fine powder
  • take about  150 - 200 grams of Organic Sesame ,Castor or Olive oil 
  • put this on very very low flame on gas in a utensil  and put the powdered black pepper into it
  • let it be there for about 15 - 25 mins
  • When the color of the pepper starts to change ,put off the gas 
  • put the utensil down and cover it with a lid
  • massage this lukewarm on patients affected area gently.
    2.     This method requires the patient to take oil through Nasal .

  • Take any Organic Cold Pressed Kalaunji/Nigella Sativa Oil
  • Lay the patient straight on bed.
  • Gently lower his head by holding his chin up
  • Drop only 1 drop (not more) of this oil into his nostril( so that the oil doesn't flow out) with the help of a dropper (Image here ) on the opposite side of paralysed area i.e. if his left part is paralysed, it should be dropped into the right nostril.
  • tell the patient to inhale the oil gently by closing the other nostril with fingers.(inhale from nostril and exhale from mouth.)
  • Initially it  come to the throat  but with gradual practice, it'll be fine
This remedy is so effective that in 10 days one will be able to see the results. The affected area will begin to move slighly and continued practice can make him fully recover. It has to be done daily once.
    3.     This method should be done Orally

Apart from these breathing exercises should be told  to be done by the patient like Anulom Vilom. If the patient is unable to move and unable to do pranayams/yoga , then tell him to take deep long  breathe 100 times  , as per his capacity . Diet chats and more ill be discussed in my following blogs 
        Thanks for reading And if any query/suggestions, do comment in the comment box. 😊