Showing posts with label Dr Otto Warburg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr Otto Warburg. Show all posts

Monday, July 8, 2019



    Today many of us are seeing post regarding the benefits of consumption of alkaline foods/drink , do you know where it's inspired from ? It's the result of series of researches that had been done by a Nobel prize Laureate since the 1920s till his death at the age of 86.

                        Image courtesy : Wikipedia 

   Dr Otto H. Warburg was born in 1883 in Germany . He was a physiologist and a medical practitioner. He also participated in World war 1 as a cavallary officer for which he got an iron medal. He had degree of doctorate in chemistry as well as in Biology. He was nominated 47 times for Nobel Prize !!


        " All Normal Cells have an absolute
          Requirement for 0xygen , but Cancer cells
          can live without 0xygen - A Rule without
          Exception . "
                                    -  Dr Otto H. Warburg

   Just like we humans , our body's normal cell need oxygen to live . The cells break down the glucose present in our blood with the use of oxygen to produce energy while the cancer cell can produce energy by breaking glucose without the presence of oxygen .

        " The prime cause of Cancer is the
           Replacement of the respiration of
           Oxygen in normal body cells by a
           Fermentation of Sugar ."
                                   - Dr Otto H. Warburg

  The cancer cell breathe  anaerobically , ( without the use of oxygen ) break down the glucose into lactic acid as final product where as healthy / normal cell's final product is pyruvate by oxidization of glucose .

 " Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 

    hours and it may become cancerous ."                                                        - Dr Otto H. Warburg

Dr Warburg made it clear that the prime cause of cancer is deprecation of oxygen to normal cell . He had earlier also discovered a fact that cancer cell do not need oxygen to breathe but also cannot survive in a state of high oxygen levels .

     He further added that no cancer cells /diseases can exist in an alkaline environment . Human body normally maintains an alkaline level of 7.35 - 7.45 but in some cases like improper functioning of lungs and kidney (diseases , too much junk food , tobbaco , some medicines , alcohol, carbonated drinks etc) may make the acidic pH level of our body soar up which may lead to cancer or other diseases.

Image source : the

    "All form of Cancer have two basic conditions :
     Acidosis and hypoxia(lack of oxygen) .                           Cancerous tissues are acidic ,
     whereas healthy tissues are Alkaline. "
                                      - Dr Otto H. Warburg

Image credit : Robin_ph / /

       Tomexia is a condition in which the oxygen level of low in our body. Acidosis is a state in which the acid level of our body is high . Hence these two conditions are very comfortable for the cancer cell to grow .


    Dr Warburg's work was practically forgotten or rarely used between 1950s to 2000 but after the onset of internet , it has again come to the surface and researches are going on upon them.

   Inclusion of food like green vegetables , whole grains, legumes , high fiber diet,  , seasonal fruits more that are alkaline & possess anti oxydent properties and consume less acidic foods like pizza , carbonated drinks, high meat intake , hot dogs , alcohol , tobacco etc . Heathy eating habits will save you $50000 - $ 100000 (appx cancer treatment rate )  from serious diseases like cancer and others. Also do physical exercise or walking daily for an hour. Be active.
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