Showing posts with label Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cancer. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2019



Are you eating carrots or drinking it's juice on a regular basis ? If so , you are on the right track of preventing and fighting cancer . According to a survey it was found that just drinking 10 grams of carrots juice per day can reduce cancer risks by 5-6 % !!

Further more , the American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) has put carrots in top 20 foods that fights cancer . Carrots contain beta & alpha carotine ,which our body converts into vitamin A . This vitamin is important for immunity functions ,maintaing healthy cells and kills or stops the growth of cancerous cells/tumours. (1).

It further states that luteolin , a flavonoid found in carrots has antioxidant , anti inflammatory & anti cancer effects in lab studies.


    This is the exact way to make carrot juice which saved RALPH ( from stage 4 cancer

  • Take 2.25 kilos of carrot
  • Wash them briefly in water
  • Cut each carrots top and bottom portion (don't peel it's skin. Peel only that area which has something unusual.)
  • Extract it's juice with the help of  a juicer 
  • Drink this juice many times a times 
  • Do it daily for fast recovery 
He , during his time of treatment did not use organic carrots .They were the normal carrots so if you use organic ones , it'll be more beneficial .He did not use a blender because juicer/juice extractors have more potential to extract the juices. Also a juice extractor removes the indigestible part of the carrot , leaving watery juice that is easy to drink states Ralph   . Do not peel it's skin , as it contains important vitamins /enzymes and falcarindoil , which  help in fighting cancer cells. He also states that one cup of juice to be consume per 30lb  of your weight per day .

You have to quit eating sugar and vegetables oils plus filtered/ double filtered oils during the whole period .Also quit tobacco .


He was diagnosed with cancer of the neck in 2005 , which was spreading to other parts of his body. And he was told to do surgery ,chemo and radiation . Before surgery , he was advised by a friend to take carrot juice as his wife had cured her ovarian cancer by drinking the juice .
Ralph stated drinking 3 pounds (1 pound = 450 grams appx) .A pounds of carrots yeilds appx 1 cup of its juice .

Four months later when he was about to have surgery , fresh MRI (cancer scan) showed that his cancer tumours had shrinked in size . But since the doctors insisted , he did chemo and radiations but avoided the surgery
After 4 months , 2 months of chemo & radiation therapy , the tumours were gone . He stopped drinking carrot juices as he was in doubt that it was chemo & radiation therapy that killed the tumours or the carrot juices .
But shortly after he stopped drinking the carrot juices , again the cancer tumours started to show up in lumps on his chest . So this time he increased his intake of carrot juices by juicing and drinking 5 pounds (2.25kilo app) carrot juices per day which yielded about 5 cups of carrot juice . After the tumour was totally gone , he still drank carrot juice daily for a month . And now he is fit and fine . You can read his full detailed story at . He is healthy now in 2019 and replies to cancer patients on his BLOG. In here you can interact with him and ask questions on cancer.If you or your relative/friend has cancer ,I'd highly recommend you to scan his blog thoroughly for any new developments . Many cancer patients take his advise , some are even from India .


 She also saved herself from cancer following the procedure of drinking carrot juices . She was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in June 2012 , got a surgery to remove the cancer but refused chemotherapy as she felt much better .
But to her horror in November itself that year , a cancer scan showed that her colon cancer had grown from stage 3 to stage 4 and  had spread to her lungs . The doctors had told her that she can only survive for 1 or 2 more years even after she had a chemo therapy .
So in this period she came across the article by Rolph Cole stating he had cured his neck cancer by drinking carrot juice which is also effective against various other type of cancers , on the internet .
So from Nov '12 , she began juicing 5 pounds /lbs of carrots daily and drank it . In the mean time , she did not take any chemo , radiation or surgery for her colon or lung tumors . She used to eat her non veg dishes and ice cream unlike Rolph , who did not use them during his self treatment period .
After 1 and half months , Ann went for a cancer scan and found that her cancer tumours had shrunk in size . Again after 4 months of starting the carrot juicing , scan showed that cancer tumours in the lung had vanished. She continued drinking carrots juice till July '13 and there were no cancer traces in her body . She was cancer free and is still living at this time .


We saw two , or there may be many more who have cured themselves from cancer by drinking carrot juices . Insired by these , some new researches are undergoing on the use of mixed juices of carrot apple spinach etc . against fighting and killing cancer.


Monday, July 15, 2019


                        Image :

  Well those who know bout Frankincense oil well and good and those who don't know , would be happy to know bout this "king of oils " which , other than being helpful in your gum's health , arthritis , treating wounds, asthma , improves digestive system , aids in memory , it also fights various cancer !!

Frankincense dried sap : Pixabay

  Frankincense oil and it's it's ex have been used in Ayurveda and Egyptian medicines from centuries. In India , it's called loban ka tail , not to be confused with rock salt for which the Bengalis also use the word loban .
   This oil is derived from the dried saps of Boswellia plants  . The plants can grow with little soils on rocky slopes . These trees are found primarily in Somalia  , Oman, Yemen ,Ethiopia  and some parts of Russia , India ,Pakistan etc . They prefer soil which contain lime i.e. rich in calcium carbonate and can grow in dry and desolated places .


  This oil contains boswellic acids which may stops cancer cells from spreading to other parts of the body i.e other cells and organs  (1) (2)

  The boswellic acids also have anti proliferative effect on tumours and tumour cells i.e. they  stop the normal  or aggressive  cancer cell growth .( 3)

 Further more in a study it was found that this oil has the virtue to distinguish cancerous cell and normal cells. It suppresses(kills) the cancerous cell (4)

       Studies have revealed that  the tirucallic acids found in extract of frankincense dried gum have anti tumour properties on prostrate tumours  i.e. it stops the spread of tumours and also had anti proliferative affect. (8)

 It was found in a 2010 study that frankincense oil extract had the capacity to recognise and kill bladdercancer cells without harming the normal cells . ( 4)

     Colon cancer is one of the most common cancer in the world . In a study it was found that an extract from frankincense extract killed the HT-29(Colon cancer cells ) without causing any damage or harm to nearby normal cells . (9)


In a study it was found that boswellic acid had pro apoptosis effect on pancreatic tumours i.e. a form of cell death in a series which eliminated the cancerous cells without causing harm to normal cells(7)


   In a study , Boswellia acids have been observed to kill the breast cancer cells and make no harm to normal cells . (5) Further more in a small study on 231 BC cells, it was found that this oil can kill BC(breast cancer) cells to an extend of 61% + ( 6) The researchers claim that it was a cost effective & less time consuming process


  In a study upon 44 persons who had been treated  suffering from stage 1 or 2 brain tumours , it was found that those given BS extract  (frankincense extract) of 4.2 grams / day had 60%  less chances of fluid accumulation  in the brain (also known as brain edema) than those given placebo , who had 26% less chances (10)


Various methods have been mentioned but it is advised to consult a doctor and use it if you are suffering from cancer .
  You can use 2 drops of frankinsense oil mixed with equal portion of a carrier oil like coconut or castor or jojoba and apply on the affected area.
   Add 3 drops of frankincense oil in 250 grams of water and consume it .

   You can also put 4 drops of oil in a diffuser and allow it to disperse . Or if you do not have a diffuser , simple put 4 drops in small container  containing boiling water  so that it vapourises and its fragrance is dispersed in the room.

  Those suffering from gum problems either took chewing gum with 0.1g( 100 mg) frankincense extract or in form of 0.2grams ( 200 mg) frankincense powder extract (11)


  • Pregnant women should not use it as it may lead to miscarriage 
  • If you are allergic to this oil or its extract
  • If undertaking any medical pills for blood thinning , cholesterol ,etc consult your doctor before using them 


Saturday, July 13, 2019



                             Image : maxpixel

   When the sunlight falls on our skin , due to the synthesis of ultra violet rays and our skin pigments , vitamin D is formed . Vitamin D is also found in foods but in very low quantities .


2.5 mcg (Micrograms)= 100IU

The Research -  Various claims were earlier being made that usage of calcium supplements + vit - D reduced risk of various cancers .  So in order to prove it , a research was conducted on 1179 post mensural (less than 55 years) who were given 1400-1500mg of calcium with 1100 IU of Vitamin 3 supplement .  After 12 months it was observed that all cancer risks were reduced by 75% .  Hence it was concluded that improving of vit-D and calcium nutrient status, by large , reduces all cancer risks in post -menstural women .
Data source : (1)

 Breast Cancer killed about .63 million/6lakhs 30 thousand people last year to become the 5th most common cancer causing death.

     In a study of 6000  women it was found that those who were regularly exposed to sunlight had less chances to develop breast cancer than those with lower exposure with lab showing that vit- D may help kill breast cancer cell and reduce metastasis i.e. spread of cancer from primary organ to other organs via bloodstream (Dr . Mehmat /  An everyday exposure of 40 % of the body to sunlight for a period of 20 minutes gives you around 50-70ng/ml of vit-D3 , which is supposed to be an ideal level to prevent breast cancer . Best time for exposure 10am - 2 pm (Data source - Dr axe )  Apply sun screen always before going for sunbath / in sunlight suggests The Skin Cancer Foundation , to avoid skin cancer and premature aging process.


Tuesday, July 9, 2019



    The overall stages of cancer can be described as :

Stage 0.   A initial stage of cancer in which the abnormals cells have not invaded the neighbouring tissues
Stage 1.  The tumour is small and hasn't grown outside the organ it started in
Stages 2 & 3  The tumour is larger or has spread to the nearby tissue
Stage 4.  The cancer has spread through the blood to various other parts of the body .

Nandi with Baba Ramdev on AASTHA Channel
Image : youtube/bharatswabhiman

     Kingshukh Nandi was in the 4th and final year of Engineering in IIT Kharagpur when he got to know that he was in the second stage of pancreatic cancer . Not only that the cancer has stated to spread to his kidney's upper region too . The tumour was about 1.5 kilos and his current hemoglobin was 6.2 / deciliter  where as the normal level for Men & Women are 13.5 to 17.5 and 12.0 to 15.5 per deciliter respectively.
       He told in an casual meeting with Baba Ramdev on AASTHA channel that he had been watching his yoga's since 2005 .
       When he had cancer , he searched about it on the internet and found that only 2 - 10 % chances were there to survive while being treated with chemo therapy . Also he found that pranayams may help in cancer cure .
     Pranayam is a form of yoga that uses special breathing techniques to control flow of breath . He used to start pranayams Anulom Vilom & Kapal Bhati after 30 minutes of taking meal . He used to do both the pranayan , sometimes for 8 hours per day i.e. if he did anulom vilom for 4 hours , he used to repeat Kapalbhati for the same duration . He fought for months before defeating cancer with these two yoga's. The youth's grit and determination was beyond match and that too at so young age . His patience and hard work did reward him ultimately !!


  As Dr Warburg had said that cancer cells are created when oxygen is deprived from normal cells and also that cancer cell can't live in a state of high oxygen levels. Pranayam maintains proper oxygen levels of the body through proper breathing techniques , it may be one of the reasons it helped save Kingshukh's life from this deadly disease  and many others as well .

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Vedio Source  : Primary source(1)
Other sources  : Canadian cancer society
                              Mayo Clinic 

Monday, July 8, 2019



    Today many of us are seeing post regarding the benefits of consumption of alkaline foods/drink , do you know where it's inspired from ? It's the result of series of researches that had been done by a Nobel prize Laureate since the 1920s till his death at the age of 86.

                        Image courtesy : Wikipedia 

   Dr Otto H. Warburg was born in 1883 in Germany . He was a physiologist and a medical practitioner. He also participated in World war 1 as a cavallary officer for which he got an iron medal. He had degree of doctorate in chemistry as well as in Biology. He was nominated 47 times for Nobel Prize !!


        " All Normal Cells have an absolute
          Requirement for 0xygen , but Cancer cells
          can live without 0xygen - A Rule without
          Exception . "
                                    -  Dr Otto H. Warburg

   Just like we humans , our body's normal cell need oxygen to live . The cells break down the glucose present in our blood with the use of oxygen to produce energy while the cancer cell can produce energy by breaking glucose without the presence of oxygen .

        " The prime cause of Cancer is the
           Replacement of the respiration of
           Oxygen in normal body cells by a
           Fermentation of Sugar ."
                                   - Dr Otto H. Warburg

  The cancer cell breathe  anaerobically , ( without the use of oxygen ) break down the glucose into lactic acid as final product where as healthy / normal cell's final product is pyruvate by oxidization of glucose .

 " Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 

    hours and it may become cancerous ."                                                        - Dr Otto H. Warburg

Dr Warburg made it clear that the prime cause of cancer is deprecation of oxygen to normal cell . He had earlier also discovered a fact that cancer cell do not need oxygen to breathe but also cannot survive in a state of high oxygen levels .

     He further added that no cancer cells /diseases can exist in an alkaline environment . Human body normally maintains an alkaline level of 7.35 - 7.45 but in some cases like improper functioning of lungs and kidney (diseases , too much junk food , tobbaco , some medicines , alcohol, carbonated drinks etc) may make the acidic pH level of our body soar up which may lead to cancer or other diseases.

Image source : the

    "All form of Cancer have two basic conditions :
     Acidosis and hypoxia(lack of oxygen) .                           Cancerous tissues are acidic ,
     whereas healthy tissues are Alkaline. "
                                      - Dr Otto H. Warburg

Image credit : Robin_ph / /

       Tomexia is a condition in which the oxygen level of low in our body. Acidosis is a state in which the acid level of our body is high . Hence these two conditions are very comfortable for the cancer cell to grow .


    Dr Warburg's work was practically forgotten or rarely used between 1950s to 2000 but after the onset of internet , it has again come to the surface and researches are going on upon them.

   Inclusion of food like green vegetables , whole grains, legumes , high fiber diet,  , seasonal fruits more that are alkaline & possess anti oxydent properties and consume less acidic foods like pizza , carbonated drinks, high meat intake , hot dogs , alcohol , tobacco etc . Heathy eating habits will save you $50000 - $ 100000 (appx cancer treatment rate )  from serious diseases like cancer and others. Also do physical exercise or walking daily for an hour. Be active.
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Friday, July 5, 2019


           Skin cancer ( image source : wikipedia )

       There world is divided on the views of naturopathy and Allopathy . The followers of allopathy do not consent with the latter and neither the former agrees with allopathy . Some scientist / researchers often terms naturopathists as quacks and some naturopathists  blames the researches done by allopathists (the researchers in medical field) gives false results as they are manipulated by the wealth given by pharmaceuticals companies for their benefits . Certain country even had banned naturopathy in certain states of its country ( I do not want to name the country ).
      Skin cancer is treated via chemotherapy , chemo creams , radiations , oral medicines, under the knife (surgery) etc which may leave you with scars and give you immense pain with side effects . Further more the poor may not be able to procure these treatments !!


    One doctor was posted in Australia . His name was DR. BILL ELLIOT CHAM . He saw that the local farmers and vets  of Australia treated the lesions of their pet animals with devil apple's plant extract and to his surprise , they fared well !! Australians reading this post , do comment if you have seen this being done in your neighbourhood . Nee ways , he went back to London and started his research on this subject

Image source : wikipedia 

Dr Cham found that the devil's apple contained a substance glycoalkaloids in it . It is a combination of two substances names Solamargine & Solasoinine found in egg pants , potatoes , devil apple & Tomatoes (1) (3). It was found that both this compounds , Solamargine & Solasoinine were capable of killing the cancer cells ( 2 ) . Since devil's apple fruit was poisonous , Dr Cham used egg plant extract and tested it on humans ( 4) where in he states that the extract kills the various cancer cells but has no effect on normal cells where as in chemopathy we know it kills both cancerous and non cancerous cells . Also in some cases the chemotherapeutic agents are not able to destroy fully a substitute of cancerous cell known as CSC (cancer stem cells ) (9) and there are chances in future of their relapse. But if treated with BEC5 , the Solamargine & Solasoinine are able to kill it effectively (10)
                Tumour relapse (Image : wikipedia )

BEC5 is effective against the following cancer cells

  • LUNG
  • BONE ...Etc.
   He termed this drug CURADERM BEC5. Now he did not state that this drug particularly kills the skin cancer cells
   Now many of you will ask me then why did I waste your time by making them read for so long ?
Well here is the proof (5)
     Also , find the proofs Here (6) in the comments of the people who treated their skin lesions /cancer with this or their version of home remedy , read them carefully . Also find these two version of video proofs (7 , 8 ).

  • Take a medium sized organic egg plant 
  • Chop it into small cubes
  • Fill the chopped cubes into a clean glass bottle
  • Fill the remaining bottle with organic apple cider vinegar ( you can use white vinegar too but it's results are not up to the mark )
  • Close the bottle and refrigerate it for 3 days
  • On 4th day , strain it with the help of a strainer 
  • We need only the extract i.e. the liquid 
  • Collect it into another glass bottle 
  • Apply it over the lesion / affected area with a neat cotton ball 
  • Keep for 1-2 hours 
  • Next application after 4 hours .
     This is one of the best homemade remedy for melonoma/skin cancer with high success rates . The cream with the same name is also available online . Do donate to support us . Any queries most welcome in the comment box . Thank you for reading 😄