Showing posts with label anulom vilom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anulom vilom. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 9, 2019



    The overall stages of cancer can be described as :

Stage 0.   A initial stage of cancer in which the abnormals cells have not invaded the neighbouring tissues
Stage 1.  The tumour is small and hasn't grown outside the organ it started in
Stages 2 & 3  The tumour is larger or has spread to the nearby tissue
Stage 4.  The cancer has spread through the blood to various other parts of the body .

Nandi with Baba Ramdev on AASTHA Channel
Image : youtube/bharatswabhiman

     Kingshukh Nandi was in the 4th and final year of Engineering in IIT Kharagpur when he got to know that he was in the second stage of pancreatic cancer . Not only that the cancer has stated to spread to his kidney's upper region too . The tumour was about 1.5 kilos and his current hemoglobin was 6.2 / deciliter  where as the normal level for Men & Women are 13.5 to 17.5 and 12.0 to 15.5 per deciliter respectively.
       He told in an casual meeting with Baba Ramdev on AASTHA channel that he had been watching his yoga's since 2005 .
       When he had cancer , he searched about it on the internet and found that only 2 - 10 % chances were there to survive while being treated with chemo therapy . Also he found that pranayams may help in cancer cure .
     Pranayam is a form of yoga that uses special breathing techniques to control flow of breath . He used to start pranayams Anulom Vilom & Kapal Bhati after 30 minutes of taking meal . He used to do both the pranayan , sometimes for 8 hours per day i.e. if he did anulom vilom for 4 hours , he used to repeat Kapalbhati for the same duration . He fought for months before defeating cancer with these two yoga's. The youth's grit and determination was beyond match and that too at so young age . His patience and hard work did reward him ultimately !!


  As Dr Warburg had said that cancer cells are created when oxygen is deprived from normal cells and also that cancer cell can't live in a state of high oxygen levels. Pranayam maintains proper oxygen levels of the body through proper breathing techniques , it may be one of the reasons it helped save Kingshukh's life from this deadly disease  and many others as well .

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Vedio Source  : Primary source(1)
Other sources  : Canadian cancer society
                              Mayo Clinic