Showing posts with label natural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural. Show all posts

Sunday, July 21, 2019




[If  in a hurry , you can scroll down to see the study of cinnamon VS diabetes ]

Diabetes has become one of the most common diseases now a days which has affected approximately 415 million people in the world i.e. roughly 1 in every 11 person is a diabetic !! The figures are expected to rise upto 642 million by 2040 (source :

Image source : Wikipedia 

  What is CINNAMON ?

It is spice that has been extracted from the inner bark of cinnamonum verum tree having the properties of anti immflamatory , anti diabetic anti cancer , immunity booster , anti bacterial & fungal , heart friendly among others . It's has the highest anti oxidant in comparison to top 26 herbs  like oregano garlic clove etc . (Sources NCIB/NLM.)


Cinnamon is widely used in Indian dishes from veg pulao to non veg biryanis to ayurvedic medicines . It's used in the treatment of arthritis ,weight loss , lowering heart diseases (cuts bad cholesterol LDL and triglycerides) , treatment of Alzhimer's & Parkinson diseases etc and the most important in diabetic treatments .
An IT professional Mr John ,58 years old , had started consuming cinnamon to control his diabetes but after some time developed liver problems . Later it was found out that use of cassia , a cheap species imported from Vietnam & China , was the real culprit. It resembles cinnamon. After mr John stopped taking cinnamon his liver started recovering gradually .
Indian govt states that the annual consumption of cinnamon is 12000 tonnes annual . It imports 10000 tonnes of cassia from China Vietnam & Indonesia and 200 tonnes of cinnamon from Srilanka.India's domestic production rate is just 80-100 tonnes/yr. But contrary to the govt reports one trader from Kanpur had alone imported 9500 tonnes so the consumption rate may be way way above the govt figures. And guess what the market is surely flooded with these fake cassia , which replaces the original cinnamon . Import rates of cassia around 2015 was RS 35/kg and cinnamon was RS 200/kg which is further sold @ 150 -600/kg . A study by IITR , Lucknow found that coumarin , a chemical found in cassia , the fake cinnamon , damages liver & kidney . (Source -
Cassia imports from Vietnam were temperorily banned (around aug 2016) but again the ban was revoked around March  2017 , which definately is not a good news

Have you ever gone to the market and bought those hard dark brown cinnamon sticks or sometimes bought sticks in the name of cinnamon , which do not emit any or little fragrance ? I now remember the mistakes which I had done earlier as I did not know how to differentiate btw fake & real cinnamon 
Fake cinnamon or cassia , is generally grown in China Vietnam and Indonesia where as the real cinnamon grows in Srilanka. In India it's grown  in Kerela and some parts of North East . Cassia , other than causing liver &kidney damage may cause headaches & digestive problems . An article in Oct ,2015 TOI stated that cassai may be carcinogenic i.e. may cause cancer .


• The real cinnamon will have many spirals designs inside (see the cover pic properly) where as the fake cinnamon will have a tunnel kind of hole inside it .There will be nothing spiral inside it . 
• The real cinnamon is very fragile / weak , hence it breaks easily but the fake cassia is not easy to break • The real cinnamon is light brown in colour where as the fake cinnamon will have a dark brown or reddish brown colour
• Real cinnamon can be grounded to powder very easily at home but it won't be the same case with fake cinnamon 
• Real cinnamon has a delicate aromatic smell where as the fake cinnamon gives a pungent strong aromatic smell 
• Real cinnamon powder will be smooth where the fake cinnamon powder will be coarse (Sources - / Dr . Vivek Joshi )
Will update it when I find any new trick/news on this . 

Sometimes we may find real cinnamon in our local markets or shops . Use the above mentioned tricks to spot the differences . Further more , buy from trusted shops/aruyveic centres  in your area who sell organic products . Buy whole cinnamon than buying it's powdered form .


Cinnamon reacts with the following herbs
Bitter melon , garlic , Siberian ginseng , panax , Devils claw , Fenugreek , chromium , horse chestnut and certain diabetes medicines so cheak with your doc before using them .Find all the evidences / sources at the end of the post .


The article was published on the website (1) dated ?? , The ARM found that consumption of 1 gram / day of cinnamon can increase insulin sensitivity and management or curbing diabetes totally and cinnamon was shown to be the most effective one (2)  The basis was a research done by Dr Anderson & team on animals to see the effectiveness of 49 herbs including falxseed , gensing basil etc , in which cinnamon proved to be the most effective one . Further more the article states that consumption of 6grams of cinnamon after meal reduced high blood sugar levels .


A test on 8 individuals aged 25 yrs + showed that it can imitate as insulin and lower blood sugar by moving glucose to the cells (3)

In a small study of 7 humans aged 26+ , it was found that consuming 5g of cinnamon powder reduced insulin sensitivity( acts as natural insulin ) immidiately after consumption  for a period of12 hours (4)


Cinnamon has the potential to curb diabetes though more tests on a large basis is required . Always use original cinnamon powder and not cassia cinnamon , which is a fake cinnamon .
As in all the tests 1-6 grams of powder has been used , you can drink 1-6 grams(appx. 1 and half teaspoon) of cinnamon powder one hour before breakfast with a glass of water . Do not eat anything one hour after or before consuming the powder . Consult your doctor for the amount of powder you should eat . Over consumption of anything is harmful for health so always follow dosage instructions .
Last two lines , also make necessary changes in your life styles . Do exercise , walking for min 1 hr per day and avoid junk foods , colas , alcohol , smoking as this disease can be countered by leaving/avoiding those things/habit which aggravates the blood sugar level . Be relaxed , do not take stress . Eat fresh seasonal green leafy vegetables , fruits & foods . Good luck 😊

Sources 1  2.

Article credit -

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How to get rid of mosquitoes naturally


      Image source :

  Come monsoon & every place you will see this flying insect that causes grave diseases like chikanguniya , dengue , malaria etc . It's the best season for there tiny but dangerous insect for breeding.

           Image source :

   The total deaths in the world due to mosquito borne diseases is about 1 million / per year (WHO) and so has the commercial companies boomed who manufacture mosquito repelent creams , insence , coils , etc which have an annual turnover of more than  25000 crores alone in India.

    These coils , creams etc have negative effect on our health  in the long run , especially infants . Studies in Taiwan & China have confirmed that long use of smokes from these products causes cancer . The pesticide "pyrethrin " used by some manufacturers in coils are very harmful for human nerves and brain's health . Further more , Dr Salvi adds burning of a mosquito coil in a closed room is equal to smoking 100 cigarette !! Just imagine the potential damage that a coil can do .
    The babies , infants & children suffer the most as their  small lungs are unable to cope with these harmful gasses and get allergies/asthma  at a very young age if they inhale these smokes consistently .
     If you wake up in the morning tired , having headache and drizziness , blame the mosquito coils , liquid that you are using.
Solution : switch to organic coils / repellents / creams for a healthier life plus keeping the surrounding environment eco friendly or use some healthy home made solutions / remedies to keep mosquitoes at bay.

Here are top 8 effective natural methods that will help you keep mosquitoes at bay :

Image :

1  Crush 5 garlic cloves and put them in a cup of water . Filter the pulp out and spray the water with a sprayer  in your room .Mosquitos will vanish

2  Keep crushed garlic cloves on windows panels . It's odour will repel the mosquitos

3  If you are not allergic to garlic oil , apply it on your body

4  Squeeze lemon or orange peel ( santre ya nimbu k chilke) on your body. Mosquitoes don't like the smell of these citrus fruits.

**Bonus tip - Eat 2 raw garlic cloves daily , when you sweat out /perspire ,these garlic odour in your sweat will keep mosquitos away from you

Image source

I use this method personally as it's 💯 % natural  to get rid of mosquitos from my room !! More so over you would also be safe from asthama , cancer , headaches , drizziness  that is cause by burning chemical based mosquito repellents like coil liquids etc


-Take a  empty mosquito  liquid refill vapouriser bottle (EMLRVB)
- Wash it with soap , the bottle and the carbon rod
 - Dry it
- Crush 4 camphor balls ( Kapoor / कपूर which is used in puja/aarti/festivals , don't  get confused with napthaline balls coz they r different & using them will harm you )
- Now fill 80%of the EMLRVB with neem oil
- Put the crushed powder of camphor balls and mix it with a thin stick/empty pen refill
- Now put it in the machine (like all-out/good night machine) , tighten it and use it as u use a mosquito repellant machine .


 It's way more economical than the good night /all-out you buy . And if you know how to make neem oil at home , it's becomes more cheaper . It is 70 -80 % effective  compared to a commercial mosquito machine with 0 side effects . It will last for more than 8 months !!

  Wash the carbon rod every month for best results .You can add 1-2 crushed kapoor in the remaining oil every month for best results

               Image source :

Take a diya/ दिया /earthen burner/oil burner . Put mustard oil & neem oil in the ratio 4:1 . Burn it . This will help you to be safe from mosquito's in case of electricity cut . Or you can use it at places like balconies where there are mosquito's .


If you are not allergic to neem oil , you can apply it on your body too
One more method is to boil neem leaves and tulsi for 6-8 mins in the ratio of 1:4 and sprinkle that water with the help of a sprayer at the corners of your room .

Another method keep 1 kapoor on every corner  of the room as it's smell irritates the mosquitoes . They can't stand this smell for long

                               Image : need pix

Mosquitoes can't stand the smell of onions due to its sulphur content , even if it's present thinly in the air


-Cut a medium size round layer from the middle of an onion
-remove the inner ring from the cut layer so that there is a hole in the middle
- Place it on the top of your mosquito repellent machine, the hole in the middle will allow the vapour from the machine  escape to the air without any problem
 -the top of the machine will get heated up and in turn vaporise onion juice and disperse it in the air
This method is for lazy people  but is effective


-Cut a thin cardboard similar to the size of  mosquito repelent machine's upper size
- make a small round hole in the middle
-now grate an onion
 -put this pulp around the cardboard that you just cut
-now carefully place it on the top of the machine
 -change the pulp every 2-3 days .
    When it become dry , just add few drops of water on the pulp from all sides

-grate a small onion in a bowl
-add 2 cups of filtered water and mix it
-strain this into a sprayer (you can use the remaining pulp in your vegetables )
-spray at the corners of your room or on the window panels

- Take 4-5 bay leaves
-Sprinkle some neem oil in which you had mixed crushed camphor powder
- Burn them
The smell from bay leaves will make mosquitoes go crazy and they will fly outta the room .


  Also use mosquito net when you sleep at night . Wear full sleeve loose clothing because the mosquitoe's sting won't reach you easily if you wear loose clothes. Make sure water drains are not water clogged because it's the place suitable for mosquitoes to lay eggs /breed.