Showing posts with label Healthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthy. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2019


Hair care tips 

Every one wants beautiful, long, shiny, silky, healthy hair but we do some very common mistakes due to which we we confront problems like hair fall , thin hair etc . Today I gonna tell you some basic hair care techniques , using which you can improve your hair growth and over all hair health naturally . 


As daily  exercises are important for our overall health , in the same way hair requires daily exercise in form of a massage . It helps blood circulate properly to the roots of the hair , proving it essential nutrients and oxygen  for growth . It can be done even without the help of oils. 
For this , rub the scalp in circular motion with your finger tips for minimum 5-10 minutes daily. Make sure to cover the entire scalp and do it gently . Massage regularly to see the difference in a month's time !!  


Do not share your comb , hair brush , brush or towel with anyone as it may cause fungal /bacterial infection/lice sharing & dandruff . Also clean them time to time

 •Avoid Hot water/blowers/iron

Hair should be washed with cool water in summers and Luke warm water in winters . Warm water may destroy the protein , keratin ,(found in the hair strands responsible for the strengthening of your hair ) of your hair which may lead to hair fall/breakage/damage . Hair ironing and blowing do the same thing & should also be avoided everyday . Best ..Air dry your hair . 

•Avoid ammonia based hair dye

                        Image : 

Those using hair dyes must check that the dye is not ammonia based as it will first bleach the hair and  then color it .In this process , the  hair gets damaged .So in order to save the expenses that we occur repairing those damaged hair in future by using serums , hair treatment in spas , using conditioners and hair masks etc , avoid these kinda hair dyes 

•Use Broad combs

Image : 

  Use a broad comb that has broad tooths as clustered tooth combs may damage hair roots while combing and also cause hair breakage and due to express friction , harms the scalp too.

•Use the correct shampoo

                           Image : 

Avoid metal combs or cheap nylon combs as due to fiction they may generate electricity which may lead to hair sensitivity and scalp irritation .
 Many shampoos are chemical based even if they have a tag of "100% natural " or "Herbal" shampoo, which may contain sulphates, formaldehyde , parabens,sodium chloride & artificial fragrances  which in turn damages ur hair & scalp. Check the ingredients which are listed behind the shampoo bottles . Use organic shampoos for best results

 • Sunlight

 Over exposure to sunlight may cause hair damage due to the uv rays of the sun . Morning and evening sunlight may be beneficial but avoid direct afternoon sun rays on your hair . Use a cap/hat/umbrella or a dupatta for protection .


Though these may sound very awkward but if you follow these small tips you will be able to protect your hair from damage . Also eat green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits and avoid junk foods , do regular exercises and yoga and be active . Both external care via the above mentioned methods and internally care by eating the right foods are required to maintain healthy hair health !!

Tuesday, July 23, 2019



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Every one loves to eat sugar be it in form of pastries , cakes , puddings , kheer , etc . But if eaten above a limit , it can cause various diseases in form of diabetes , weight gain and so on .


WHO , in an article , dated 4th March ,2015 had reduced the daily recommended  intake of free sugars for adult and children  to 5% of their daily energy intake which comes to about 25 grams (6 teaspoons ).The earlier recommended limit was 10 % of the total calories intake .
(Source WHO)
The term sugar or free sugar or added sugar in this post applies to the glucose , fructose and sucrose / table sugar added to food and drinks by manufacturers , cook or consumers and sugar naturally present in honey , syrups , fruit juices and fruit juice concentrates. 

In a different version , the American Heart Association has categorised the maximum daily intake of added sugar intake per day  as listed below 
• Men - 37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons
 •Women - 25  grams or 6 teaspoons


1. Start drinking tea coffee without sugar 
2. Cut you intake of colas, energy drinks ,syrups  gradually 
3. Reduce your fruit juice intake quantity
4. Try to replace juices with whole fruits 
5. Cut down on cookies and other sweet biscuits 
6. Diebetic people can opt for Stevia , a herbal artificial sweetener , it contains 0 calories 
7. Cut down sugar addition in sweet dishes like cakes, sewai , etc gradually  by reducing sugar addition  by 1/3rd or half .


Excessive intake of sugar has been linked to various diseases like obesity , tooth decay , diabetes , heart diseases and so on . So it will good for our health if we take /consume sugar in the above mentioned recommended doses . 

Sunday, July 21, 2019




[If  in a hurry , you can scroll down to see the study of cinnamon VS diabetes ]

Diabetes has become one of the most common diseases now a days which has affected approximately 415 million people in the world i.e. roughly 1 in every 11 person is a diabetic !! The figures are expected to rise upto 642 million by 2040 (source :

Image source : Wikipedia 

  What is CINNAMON ?

It is spice that has been extracted from the inner bark of cinnamonum verum tree having the properties of anti immflamatory , anti diabetic anti cancer , immunity booster , anti bacterial & fungal , heart friendly among others . It's has the highest anti oxidant in comparison to top 26 herbs  like oregano garlic clove etc . (Sources NCIB/NLM.)


Cinnamon is widely used in Indian dishes from veg pulao to non veg biryanis to ayurvedic medicines . It's used in the treatment of arthritis ,weight loss , lowering heart diseases (cuts bad cholesterol LDL and triglycerides) , treatment of Alzhimer's & Parkinson diseases etc and the most important in diabetic treatments .
An IT professional Mr John ,58 years old , had started consuming cinnamon to control his diabetes but after some time developed liver problems . Later it was found out that use of cassia , a cheap species imported from Vietnam & China , was the real culprit. It resembles cinnamon. After mr John stopped taking cinnamon his liver started recovering gradually .
Indian govt states that the annual consumption of cinnamon is 12000 tonnes annual . It imports 10000 tonnes of cassia from China Vietnam & Indonesia and 200 tonnes of cinnamon from Srilanka.India's domestic production rate is just 80-100 tonnes/yr. But contrary to the govt reports one trader from Kanpur had alone imported 9500 tonnes so the consumption rate may be way way above the govt figures. And guess what the market is surely flooded with these fake cassia , which replaces the original cinnamon . Import rates of cassia around 2015 was RS 35/kg and cinnamon was RS 200/kg which is further sold @ 150 -600/kg . A study by IITR , Lucknow found that coumarin , a chemical found in cassia , the fake cinnamon , damages liver & kidney . (Source -
Cassia imports from Vietnam were temperorily banned (around aug 2016) but again the ban was revoked around March  2017 , which definately is not a good news

Have you ever gone to the market and bought those hard dark brown cinnamon sticks or sometimes bought sticks in the name of cinnamon , which do not emit any or little fragrance ? I now remember the mistakes which I had done earlier as I did not know how to differentiate btw fake & real cinnamon 
Fake cinnamon or cassia , is generally grown in China Vietnam and Indonesia where as the real cinnamon grows in Srilanka. In India it's grown  in Kerela and some parts of North East . Cassia , other than causing liver &kidney damage may cause headaches & digestive problems . An article in Oct ,2015 TOI stated that cassai may be carcinogenic i.e. may cause cancer .


• The real cinnamon will have many spirals designs inside (see the cover pic properly) where as the fake cinnamon will have a tunnel kind of hole inside it .There will be nothing spiral inside it . 
• The real cinnamon is very fragile / weak , hence it breaks easily but the fake cassia is not easy to break • The real cinnamon is light brown in colour where as the fake cinnamon will have a dark brown or reddish brown colour
• Real cinnamon can be grounded to powder very easily at home but it won't be the same case with fake cinnamon 
• Real cinnamon has a delicate aromatic smell where as the fake cinnamon gives a pungent strong aromatic smell 
• Real cinnamon powder will be smooth where the fake cinnamon powder will be coarse (Sources - / Dr . Vivek Joshi )
Will update it when I find any new trick/news on this . 

Sometimes we may find real cinnamon in our local markets or shops . Use the above mentioned tricks to spot the differences . Further more , buy from trusted shops/aruyveic centres  in your area who sell organic products . Buy whole cinnamon than buying it's powdered form .


Cinnamon reacts with the following herbs
Bitter melon , garlic , Siberian ginseng , panax , Devils claw , Fenugreek , chromium , horse chestnut and certain diabetes medicines so cheak with your doc before using them .Find all the evidences / sources at the end of the post .


The article was published on the website (1) dated ?? , The ARM found that consumption of 1 gram / day of cinnamon can increase insulin sensitivity and management or curbing diabetes totally and cinnamon was shown to be the most effective one (2)  The basis was a research done by Dr Anderson & team on animals to see the effectiveness of 49 herbs including falxseed , gensing basil etc , in which cinnamon proved to be the most effective one . Further more the article states that consumption of 6grams of cinnamon after meal reduced high blood sugar levels .


A test on 8 individuals aged 25 yrs + showed that it can imitate as insulin and lower blood sugar by moving glucose to the cells (3)

In a small study of 7 humans aged 26+ , it was found that consuming 5g of cinnamon powder reduced insulin sensitivity( acts as natural insulin ) immidiately after consumption  for a period of12 hours (4)


Cinnamon has the potential to curb diabetes though more tests on a large basis is required . Always use original cinnamon powder and not cassia cinnamon , which is a fake cinnamon .
As in all the tests 1-6 grams of powder has been used , you can drink 1-6 grams(appx. 1 and half teaspoon) of cinnamon powder one hour before breakfast with a glass of water . Do not eat anything one hour after or before consuming the powder . Consult your doctor for the amount of powder you should eat . Over consumption of anything is harmful for health so always follow dosage instructions .
Last two lines , also make necessary changes in your life styles . Do exercise , walking for min 1 hr per day and avoid junk foods , colas , alcohol , smoking as this disease can be countered by leaving/avoiding those things/habit which aggravates the blood sugar level . Be relaxed , do not take stress . Eat fresh seasonal green leafy vegetables , fruits & foods . Good luck 😊

Sources 1  2.

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