Showing posts with label Fenugreek seeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fenugreek seeds. Show all posts

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Top 10 home made remedy with FENUGREEK SEEDS


    Fenugreek holds a unique place in Ayurveda . It has been used since ancient times in India for treatments. In India , you can get methi seeds for around ₹ 100/ kilo which can be used through out the year by an individual. It has the potential to cure 50 plus diseases for eg diabetes , joint pain , ear pain , dog bite , insomnia , excess urination , removing bad cholesterol , high BP , acidity , constipation etc. I'll tell you the exact method to use these seeds so that you benefit the most .

Image source : Stuff n Style

 Methi is one of the good herbs to be used as a hair tonic for hair growth , hair loss and dandruff . It makes your hair shiny , healthy and bounce with help. CHEAK HERE .

                      Image source : Pixabay

     It's considered one of the most important herbal medicine for Diabetes type 2 patients. Take a glass and put one spoon of fenugreek seeds and then fill it with water . Keep it over night i.e. about 8-10 hours. Drink it in empty stomach in the morning . You can even chew the seeds slowly as they become soft and less bitter , when soaked overnight . Do breakfast after 1 hour and strictly avoid tea as fenugreek and tea don't go along smoothly. You can have milk though . Within 3 months you can see it's amazing benefit !! This is not my personal view but it is written so in the Ayurveda.


                             Image : Pixabay

    The same remedy will be applicable in case of ankle, joint , feet pains etc. Continue this for 3 mths on a regular basis .
    Methi seeds has electro magnetic force , believe it or not, which absorbs pain . Now I'll tell you another method . This will have no side effect. Take a tape . On the side in which there are glue, scatter some methi seeds . Now if you have any pointed  pain  say on joints ,head (migrane) , feet ,hand , shoulder ,ankle , apply this tape with seeds (see IMAGE - 3 ) . Within 30 minutes , the pain will subside [note : if you have hair on legs , hands, be careful while applying the tape . Use a cotten handkerchief instead]

                           Image : Max Pixel

    Methi/fenugreek helps us to maintain a normal BP and lowers cholesterol in our blood . It is low in sodium so can be included in diets to maintain normal BP. Also being high in fiber , 11 grams of fenugreek seed has appx 2.6 grams of fiber . And we all know high fiber foods helps maintain a low cholesterol levels in our body. It a abundant source of steroidal saponins which prevents the absorption of cholesterol .

                           Image : Pixabay

   Children often experience ear pain . Doctors prescribe them medicines and till they take those allopathic medicines , the pain is at bay . Once the effect of the medicines goes off , the pain re occurs.
For home made remedy , use organic cold pressed mustard oil or desi ghee (A2 Cow organic ghee ) 1 spoon. Add 5-7 methi seeds. Heat it on medium heat for 3-5 minutes. Let the oil cool. Now with a dropper/cotton pad , drop 1-2 in the child's ear. Within 5 minute , his pain will vanish . For best results use it 3 times in a day with a gap of 6 hours.

                 Image credit : / San Antonio

   Accept it or not , almost every person on earth except children , in today's time , suffers with this problem , especially teens & adults. Some may use tablets , pills in order to get a sound sleep which does comes with side effects.
   The natural remedy for this via methi seeds goes this way .. Place methi on both upper corners of thumb . Then tie it with the help of a tape. Repeat it on the thumb of the other hand ( see IMAGE 1 & 2 ). You will get sleep within 20 -30 minutes. This will have no side effect unless you are allergic to methi seeds.

                                 Image : Pixabay

  It's also useful in regularating the urination . For this , heat a pan and stir the seeds for 3-4 minutes until they turn light brown. Grind them to make powder. Take it by mixing half spoon of this powder in a glass of water before sleeping .

Image : Pixabay

   Grind methi seeds and make a powder. Drink half spoon of this powder with lukewarm milk /water before going to bed. Those who do not have constipation problem can also use this powder in the same method . Take it for 4 days then leave it for 4 days then again continue in this same process.
   Also methi has anti inflammatory properties and rich in vitamin c so it over all aids in the stomach related issues like allergy , acidity , pain , congestion  . Being a rich source of anti oxydents , it helps out flush toxins from our stomach .

                      Image : wikipedia commons

   If you are bitten by dog and do not have doctor nearby , then you can use it as a first aid . Make paste of methi seeds and apply on the area where the dog has bitten you . This will suck the dog bite poison and will also help the wound to heal . But do take the injection for dog bite later on.  


  It is also helpful in loosing weight . As it's a rich source of fiber relieving us from constipation but also cleanses our digestive tract but also by chewing it's seeds help us burn the extra calories . Take two glass of water and put a spoon of methi seeds. Soak it overnight and drink it 1st thing in the morning .


   It should be taken in moderate quantity only otherwise one may feel headache , dizziness , cough, sneezing , allergic symptoms in hypersensitive people , diarrhea .It may lower blood sugar so those with low sugar levels should avoid it . Pregnant woman should not consume it in large amounts and specially those who are about to expect baby soon , should totally avoid it.


   These were some of the remedies in which methi/fenugreek plays an internal part . If you are healthy , still you can use a methi seeds in giving tadkas to your veggies like pumpkins , Dal's(lentil) and consume it. In elderly people , it helps counter sytica , joint pains , numbness of hand and feet , strain of muscles , lack of hunger , dizziness ,tiredness , indigestion , etc . If I were to write the complete benefits , it would take 20 pages to write them 
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