Showing posts with label hair growth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hair growth. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2019


Hair care tips 

Every one wants beautiful, long, shiny, silky, healthy hair but we do some very common mistakes due to which we we confront problems like hair fall , thin hair etc . Today I gonna tell you some basic hair care techniques , using which you can improve your hair growth and over all hair health naturally . 


As daily  exercises are important for our overall health , in the same way hair requires daily exercise in form of a massage . It helps blood circulate properly to the roots of the hair , proving it essential nutrients and oxygen  for growth . It can be done even without the help of oils. 
For this , rub the scalp in circular motion with your finger tips for minimum 5-10 minutes daily. Make sure to cover the entire scalp and do it gently . Massage regularly to see the difference in a month's time !!  


Do not share your comb , hair brush , brush or towel with anyone as it may cause fungal /bacterial infection/lice sharing & dandruff . Also clean them time to time

 •Avoid Hot water/blowers/iron

Hair should be washed with cool water in summers and Luke warm water in winters . Warm water may destroy the protein , keratin ,(found in the hair strands responsible for the strengthening of your hair ) of your hair which may lead to hair fall/breakage/damage . Hair ironing and blowing do the same thing & should also be avoided everyday . Best ..Air dry your hair . 

•Avoid ammonia based hair dye

                        Image : 

Those using hair dyes must check that the dye is not ammonia based as it will first bleach the hair and  then color it .In this process , the  hair gets damaged .So in order to save the expenses that we occur repairing those damaged hair in future by using serums , hair treatment in spas , using conditioners and hair masks etc , avoid these kinda hair dyes 

•Use Broad combs

Image : 

  Use a broad comb that has broad tooths as clustered tooth combs may damage hair roots while combing and also cause hair breakage and due to express friction , harms the scalp too.

•Use the correct shampoo

                           Image : 

Avoid metal combs or cheap nylon combs as due to fiction they may generate electricity which may lead to hair sensitivity and scalp irritation .
 Many shampoos are chemical based even if they have a tag of "100% natural " or "Herbal" shampoo, which may contain sulphates, formaldehyde , parabens,sodium chloride & artificial fragrances  which in turn damages ur hair & scalp. Check the ingredients which are listed behind the shampoo bottles . Use organic shampoos for best results

 • Sunlight

 Over exposure to sunlight may cause hair damage due to the uv rays of the sun . Morning and evening sunlight may be beneficial but avoid direct afternoon sun rays on your hair . Use a cap/hat/umbrella or a dupatta for protection .


Though these may sound very awkward but if you follow these small tips you will be able to protect your hair from damage . Also eat green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits and avoid junk foods , do regular exercises and yoga and be active . Both external care via the above mentioned methods and internally care by eating the right foods are required to maintain healthy hair health !!

Friday, July 12, 2019


                        Image courtesy :

 Hair fall has become a common problem for both the sexes , male & female . The commercial products sold in the market to provide hair growth are mostly useless due to the presence of various chemicals and preservatives , which does more harm than good to the hairs.

  Nigella Sativa or Black seeds known as Kalaunji/Kala jeera in India is a seeds is a source of thymoquinone , which is a natural antihistamine (AH)found  in these seeds . AH is generally prescribed by doctors over the counter to patients suffering from hair loss for hair regrowth ( 1). Also there is barely any side effect by its use unless you are allergic to Nigella seeds. It has anti microbial a,anti fungal (2 ) anti bacterial properties ( 3 )  which  helps in fighting issues like dandruff on the scalp .

Further more , Nigella seed is packed with iron , vitamin C , protein , vitamin B6 , magnesium etc which nourishes the hair roots making them healthy. Infact iron helps in promoting hair growth by making blood cells carry oxygen to other body parts , including to hair follicles (5). Iron defencieny may lead to weak hair roots and trigger hair fall (6) .Now let's see the method of applying it so that we get maximum benefits from it :

Take Kalaunji oil according to your need in your palm
  • Apply it on your scalp and massage for 10 minutes 
  • Leave it for 25 minutes 
  • Wash with any Organic shampoo  

  Coconut oil is also rich in various nutrients that are required for healthy growth of hair . When mixed with other herbs , it promotes hair growth ( 4 )

  • Take one spoon of kalonji & coconut oil
  • Mix them 
  • Apply on the hair and massage for 10 minutes 
  • Wash it off after 40 minutes with any Organic shampoo 
Each method can be applied upto 3 times a week for best results . Also Nigella seed oil have the property to reverse hair whitening.  So in short this application will not only give you hair regrowth but also will fight dandruff , prevent hair whittening and give your healthy and bouncy  hair . 

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Hair growth with Onion juice

How to use Onion Juice for HAIR GROWTH

    Onions have been uses since ancient times in India and China for hair growth . But modern people do not generally believe this as there was no concrete proofs in the ancient texts . But today I will give you proof of a research that was done to find out the effectiveness of onion juice on #Hairgrowth .

Image source : Max Pixel


   A research was conducted in 2002 on a group of 23 people of which there were 16 males and 7 females , suffering from Alopecia Areata , a type of baldness . They were told to apply onion juice twice on their bald scalps for 2 months.

    Hair growth was seen in 17 people (80%) by the end of 4 weeks !! And by the end of 6 weeks , the number increased to 20 people who witness hair - regrowth (86.9 %) . It was significantly higher in males (93.7) than females.
    The term "crude onion juice " has been used which simple means in a natural / raw state i.e. not processed .
   Though the research was small , the results does give us a great hope. If you are thinking why the research was not done on a vast scale . Do you think these commercial companies would fund such a result who would give free hair growth formula to us 😂. They give a damn !!
       Hence applying onion juice twice a day on bald patchy areas had considerably high chances of hair growth in a majority of people. You can see the research here (1)


   The best , time saving and convenient way is to grate the onion on a grater and extract it's juice by filtering it with a seive or a neat cotton cloth .


    If you have neat and clean hands but your wanna save time ,you can just press the grated onion pulp and extract it's juice and simple apply it on your hair .
   Otherwise you can dip a cotton ball in the juice and apply on the scalp.  Massage for 5 minutes .Your can keep it for 2 hours before washing it with plain water or any Organic shampoo.


  • Take two spoon of onion juice
  • One spoon of Olive oil
  • Mix them and apply on scalp
  • Massage the scalp for 5 minutes
  • Keep it for 30 - 45 minutes 
  • Wash it off with any organic shampoo 
     Thus it is proofed that onion does aid in hair growth . Use it they way above mentioned. If you are allergic to onions do not use it . The smell of onion will remain on your hair for some time even after shampooing it off . But this much you can bear for the sake of your hair growth , isn't it 😂

   Donate to support us . Thanks for reading 

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Top 10 home made remedy with FENUGREEK SEEDS


    Fenugreek holds a unique place in Ayurveda . It has been used since ancient times in India for treatments. In India , you can get methi seeds for around ₹ 100/ kilo which can be used through out the year by an individual. It has the potential to cure 50 plus diseases for eg diabetes , joint pain , ear pain , dog bite , insomnia , excess urination , removing bad cholesterol , high BP , acidity , constipation etc. I'll tell you the exact method to use these seeds so that you benefit the most .

Image source : Stuff n Style

 Methi is one of the good herbs to be used as a hair tonic for hair growth , hair loss and dandruff . It makes your hair shiny , healthy and bounce with help. CHEAK HERE .

                      Image source : Pixabay

     It's considered one of the most important herbal medicine for Diabetes type 2 patients. Take a glass and put one spoon of fenugreek seeds and then fill it with water . Keep it over night i.e. about 8-10 hours. Drink it in empty stomach in the morning . You can even chew the seeds slowly as they become soft and less bitter , when soaked overnight . Do breakfast after 1 hour and strictly avoid tea as fenugreek and tea don't go along smoothly. You can have milk though . Within 3 months you can see it's amazing benefit !! This is not my personal view but it is written so in the Ayurveda.


                             Image : Pixabay

    The same remedy will be applicable in case of ankle, joint , feet pains etc. Continue this for 3 mths on a regular basis .
    Methi seeds has electro magnetic force , believe it or not, which absorbs pain . Now I'll tell you another method . This will have no side effect. Take a tape . On the side in which there are glue, scatter some methi seeds . Now if you have any pointed  pain  say on joints ,head (migrane) , feet ,hand , shoulder ,ankle , apply this tape with seeds (see IMAGE - 3 ) . Within 30 minutes , the pain will subside [note : if you have hair on legs , hands, be careful while applying the tape . Use a cotten handkerchief instead]

                           Image : Max Pixel

    Methi/fenugreek helps us to maintain a normal BP and lowers cholesterol in our blood . It is low in sodium so can be included in diets to maintain normal BP. Also being high in fiber , 11 grams of fenugreek seed has appx 2.6 grams of fiber . And we all know high fiber foods helps maintain a low cholesterol levels in our body. It a abundant source of steroidal saponins which prevents the absorption of cholesterol .

                           Image : Pixabay

   Children often experience ear pain . Doctors prescribe them medicines and till they take those allopathic medicines , the pain is at bay . Once the effect of the medicines goes off , the pain re occurs.
For home made remedy , use organic cold pressed mustard oil or desi ghee (A2 Cow organic ghee ) 1 spoon. Add 5-7 methi seeds. Heat it on medium heat for 3-5 minutes. Let the oil cool. Now with a dropper/cotton pad , drop 1-2 in the child's ear. Within 5 minute , his pain will vanish . For best results use it 3 times in a day with a gap of 6 hours.

                 Image credit : / San Antonio

   Accept it or not , almost every person on earth except children , in today's time , suffers with this problem , especially teens & adults. Some may use tablets , pills in order to get a sound sleep which does comes with side effects.
   The natural remedy for this via methi seeds goes this way .. Place methi on both upper corners of thumb . Then tie it with the help of a tape. Repeat it on the thumb of the other hand ( see IMAGE 1 & 2 ). You will get sleep within 20 -30 minutes. This will have no side effect unless you are allergic to methi seeds.

                                 Image : Pixabay

  It's also useful in regularating the urination . For this , heat a pan and stir the seeds for 3-4 minutes until they turn light brown. Grind them to make powder. Take it by mixing half spoon of this powder in a glass of water before sleeping .

Image : Pixabay

   Grind methi seeds and make a powder. Drink half spoon of this powder with lukewarm milk /water before going to bed. Those who do not have constipation problem can also use this powder in the same method . Take it for 4 days then leave it for 4 days then again continue in this same process.
   Also methi has anti inflammatory properties and rich in vitamin c so it over all aids in the stomach related issues like allergy , acidity , pain , congestion  . Being a rich source of anti oxydents , it helps out flush toxins from our stomach .

                      Image : wikipedia commons

   If you are bitten by dog and do not have doctor nearby , then you can use it as a first aid . Make paste of methi seeds and apply on the area where the dog has bitten you . This will suck the dog bite poison and will also help the wound to heal . But do take the injection for dog bite later on.  


  It is also helpful in loosing weight . As it's a rich source of fiber relieving us from constipation but also cleanses our digestive tract but also by chewing it's seeds help us burn the extra calories . Take two glass of water and put a spoon of methi seeds. Soak it overnight and drink it 1st thing in the morning .


   It should be taken in moderate quantity only otherwise one may feel headache , dizziness , cough, sneezing , allergic symptoms in hypersensitive people , diarrhea .It may lower blood sugar so those with low sugar levels should avoid it . Pregnant woman should not consume it in large amounts and specially those who are about to expect baby soon , should totally avoid it.


   These were some of the remedies in which methi/fenugreek plays an internal part . If you are healthy , still you can use a methi seeds in giving tadkas to your veggies like pumpkins , Dal's(lentil) and consume it. In elderly people , it helps counter sytica , joint pains , numbness of hand and feet , strain of muscles , lack of hunger , dizziness ,tiredness , indigestion , etc . If I were to write the complete benefits , it would take 20 pages to write them 
   Donate to support us and thanks for reading . 😄

Wednesday, June 26, 2019



        Today everyone is affected by hair fall be it men or woman . Even those in teens are having this problem now a days. So today I share with you a homemade remedy that is made by a plant which is found mostly around the world . Guava plant's leaves . In this I'll discuss two methods of using it 

  • Take a handful of guava leaves
  • Wash it with water thoroughly 
  • Make its paste in a grinder/mixer
  • Apply on your scalp for 30 mins 
  • Wash it off with any Organic shampoo 
       Use this remedy thrice in a month for best results. Make sure the guava leaves that you have plucked ,is not situated near a drain or sewage pipe .If you don't find the leaves nearby you, you can order it online

  • Take a handful of guava leaves
  • Boil them in water for 20 mins (medium flame)
  • Turn off the gas and let it cool till Luke warm
  • Strain the water
  • Apply this water on your scalp with sprayer or cotton balls
  • Massage for 5 mins
  • You can leave it over night / day for best results
  • Wash it off the next day 
    Apply this twice / thrice a week for best results .

Guava leaves Properties 

        Guava leaves have proven to have antioxidant ,anti microbial (kills bacterial &viruses) and anti immflamatory properties (1) which help fight dandruff there by keeping the scalp clean and healthy .Also it's rich in Vitamin B & C ,thaimine ,riboflavine and follic acid which boosts collagen activity there by promoting growth of new hair follicles and also nourishes them so they grow up strong and healthy.

  Try these two methods for a period of 30 days and you'll definately see the difference . Any query/suggestions would be greatly welcomed . Thank you 😄

Sunday, June 16, 2019


    Life is busy now a days and people do not have time . Hence i bring a simple and easy remedy which not only will boost hair growth but will also thicken your hair . This easiest to do method will show its results in just a weeks time . And guess what ? It uses just one ingredient !!

  • Take about two spoons of Organic-Fenugreek seeds  
  • Add 1 glass of  filtered water and leave them soaked over night . (  Half glass water for boys and 1 glass for girls )
  • Now filter the water next morning with a sieve (keep the filtered seeds aside )
  • After you have shampooed and   washed your hair properly, wet your hair with this water by pouring it over your hair.
  • Now dry your hair gently...Simple ,isn't it !!
METHOD - 2 (for Hair Pack)

  • Make a paste of the remaining seeds which you had soaked
  • Add 2 spoons of  yogurt 
  • Mix them and apply on your scalp.
  • Leave for 1 - 2 hrs
  • Wash with any Organic-Shampoo
         Fenugreek seed's water stimulates the hair follicles hence promoting hair growth.They are a good source of protein  which in turn helps strengthening the hair roots and preventing its breakage. It also improves the blood circulation as it contains iron .It nourishes the hair follicles, cleans them, strengthens them hence making them thick.It also has anti dandruff properties .It helps hair grow in the bald patch area of the scalp. It'll make your hair shiny and glossy too. 

       Do try these methods and share your views/suggestions in the comment section below. Happy Sunday 😊

Thursday, June 13, 2019


    This post is not sponsored by any Brands .

    Today i'll tell you a super formula for to stop hair loss and also this will help in hair growth by opening the hair follicles so that new hair will grow. This will also make the hair thick .The amazing results will be seen by the end of this month .


   First you'll have to be a certain that u'r not allergic to vitamin e .For that cut a vit.amin -E capsule and pour two drops of its oil on your wrist and rub it for 1 minute. Leave it for 4 hours and if you feel itching or reddening of the skin,avoid using it .Those who have dandruff first try my OnionGinger juice remedy to remove dandruff ,then follow this method .

     Pour 2-3 spoon of any brand  organic almond oil in a glass bowl, according to your needs.

  • Cut one Vitamin E capsule (400-450mg) and pour its oil into it (not the cover ) . If you are using any organic bottled Vitamin E oil , then take 8-9 drops (1drop=.05mg appx)

  • Mix both the oils 
  • Now rub this oil in scalp with clean hands in circular motion for 5 minutes.
  • Leave it overnight and shampoo your hair the next morning  with any organic shampoo.

  • Use only freshly prepared oil for best results.
  • Those having dandruff apply once a week and those who have dandruff free hair , use 2-3 times/week
    In a small research on persons , it was found that vitamin E did help in preventing hair loss and that one of the components of Vitamin E did improve hair growth .Also " Almonds are rich in magnesium and nutrients which promote hair growth. By preventing dandruff and hairdamage, almond provides sufficient nutrition to the hairfollicles that make the hair strands stronger, thus reducing hair fall." source Times of India 
   Try this formula and do comment the results of using it for 30 days . Thanks for reading 😊