Friday, June 14, 2019


 Its is said there are four seasons namely winter ,spring ,summer & monsoon.
                    But as the years are rolling by ,most part of a year is dominated by Summer .At Delhi ,we can feel its heat from mid March to say ... June mid , then again from September to October end .That's about 5 months!! All these months we experience skin eruptions,sweat,dehydration primarily .Now that we have to bear this every year ,there's no escape. But by trying simple methods Ayurvedic and modern methods, we can beat it naturally .

  One link Here .


  • Bananas,grapes,watermelon, plum ,cherries , avocados, peaches & mangoes are good fruits to eat during summers.
  • Cooking can be done in ghee , butter , olive oil , sunflower oil & coconut oil.

  • Eat less but do not skip meals. Our body's digestive heat is at its maximum level during the afternoons so do not skip up on lunch . This will make you cranky and irritated.
  • Avoid drinking hot beverages & food .The best would be drinking/eating them at room temperatures .Eat light& less oily foods.
  •  Avoid iced water and cold drinks .Instead of frezed water(excluding high BP , hyper tension patients & athletes ),drink luke-warm or at least normal water . You may feel cooled down temporarily but later on our body gets heated up .Our stomach has to work again on digesting it by igniting the inner fire( known as agni in Ayurveda).Also since cold water  puts off our digestive fire , which in turn doesn't digest food properly and it gets rot creating toxins (ama) in our body. When food stuffs sit undigested, it ferments.So next time order plain water instead of chilled when u sit in a restaurant. Of late ,if you are perspiring more, this may be one of the many causes attached to it.

  • Exercising Timings. Best time to start your exercising time would be in the mornings. Avoid doing strenuous and vigorous exercises during other times of the day as it heats up the body and which may cause harm . 
  • Eat water based food like , zucchini,  berries, potatoes, broccoli, beans, cucumber, pumpkin, bottle gourd, indian apple gourd(tinde) ,ridge gourd (tori/torai),lassi , green leafy vegetables, coconut have cooling effect on our body according to Ayurveda. 
  • Ginger,garlic,black pepper,onion and spicy foods should avoided in summer or be taken in  minimum quantity as they fall under "hot" foods category, according to Ayurveda.Cauliflower & peas are also hot foods.

  • Drink coconut,birch or lime water as they are cooling food and specially coconut water as they are high in electrolytes which fulfills the loss of electrolytes from our body via sweat.

  • Use coriander leaves (it lowers BP so diabetes people should check their sugar level and pregnant woman /those who are going to have or have had any surgery should consult doctor before taking them) and mint leaves in dishes or chutney .Between ..coriander seeds are hot.
  • There are many pulse points on our body that can be used as a cooling spot when in contact with cool water. Try putting cool wet towel over your neck or pouring cool water over your wrists, feet and fore -head.  
Enjoy the summers 😊

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