Wednesday, June 5, 2019



              People ,when they realise, that they are balding or having abnormal hair falls, assume that since their parents had this problem ,they will also have the same problem,which has been termed as"Hereditary or Genetic" problem.So what ever may they do ,they will be bald in any case .But its not so .Of course, no doubt its genetic but it can be controlled and hair can be regrown in a natural way .We will discuss this later but lets understand the primary cause of hair fall,which is done by DHT  (Dehydrotestosterone)


       It is a male hormones due to which, male gets different look like from females .They develop mustache, beard ,hair on the chest hand ,legs etc, The more the level of Testosterone, the more dense is hair, be it on face ,hands  etc .In some females ,testosterone is  produced in ovaries ,due to which they also have some facial hairs .Females counter some problem with testosterone but its perfect for the males. 

     This is the main enemy of hair . It does not want the hair to grow fully .This enzyme(5-AR) has great attachment with Testosterone .


       In the IMAGE-1 above (which is of a healthy hair ), you can see the blue dots are Testosterone and the green one are 5-AR. Its well connected by blood vessels ,so it has full health as its getting full nutrition

       Now in the IMAGE-2 above, we that the blood supply to the roots of the hair is being cut by DHT. When Testosterone and 5-AR combine together , Testosterone converts into DHT. Now the DHT attacks the hair roots of the hair, cutting the blood supply ,hence depriving the nutrients it need for proper functioning ,growth and development. Hence hair becomes weak eventually and the problem of hair fall starts .

    If you go to any doctor , he will also SHOW you more or less this same sort of image ,in which the DHT will be shown as the main culprit ,cutting the blood  supply to the roots of the hair .

Thus we have seen /found the main medical reason for hair fall .
1. Lack of nutrition
2. No blood circulation of blood to the hair.

        Hence there are two solutions to this . For the 1st problem can use herbal oils ,herbal & natural juices on hair to increase the nutrition to hair and save it from falling .The ads in television that we see about a particular hair oil to massage on scalp ,this is an example of providing essential nutrients to the blood externally(this is not about any product but to give you a general idea).

     For the second problem ,we must do yoga's like Balayam(the easiest yoga) ,Chakrasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana etc.for circulations of blood to the hair but they all have a process of being done which i'll discuss in next blogs  .Also boost it by taking herbal medicines and natural food that are essential for healthy hair orally for providing essential nutrients to the hair via blood that breaks the DTH formed and the blood again flows to the hair normally allowing it to to be healthy and regrow again.Also this will stop further 5-AR enzymes to dominate the Testosterone and turn them to turn into DHT. Well there are many Allopathic medicines which claim to help regrow hair but they have side effects like  gynecomastia,ED (erectile dysfunction),depression,low BP ,high BP,Vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, abdominal pain, dry mouth,etc These are just to name a few.So natural exercises,oils,oral supplements would be a better option .  

       As i have always repeated in my earlier blogs, use of cigarettes ,alcohol,gutkas ,junk and oily and excess spicy foods should be avoided as it disrupts in the natural curing process .Also people should do physical exercises or yoga on regular basis.Ans always use organic shampoo to wash your hair for best results.
     There are many examples of people re-grow their hair via ayurvedic+yogic methods but in this video(if you understand Hindi) Baba Ramdev,a well renowned Yogic guru of India, says one of his acquaintance ,age 65 years ,applied two herbal oils and hair started to regrow on his bald head !!
Video ---->> .But in here i am not sponsord by Baba Ramdev nor telling you to use his products ,its solely upon your wish .The remedies that i'll give, will be different from these.
      It takes times but result will be achieved if its done in a proper way/method.😊

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