Tuesday, July 16, 2019



Are you eating carrots or drinking it's juice on a regular basis ? If so , you are on the right track of preventing and fighting cancer . According to a survey it was found that just drinking 10 grams of carrots juice per day can reduce cancer risks by 5-6 % !!

Further more , the American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR) has put carrots in top 20 foods that fights cancer . Carrots contain beta & alpha carotine ,which our body converts into vitamin A . This vitamin is important for immunity functions ,maintaing healthy cells and kills or stops the growth of cancerous cells/tumours. (1).

It further states that luteolin , a flavonoid found in carrots has antioxidant , anti inflammatory & anti cancer effects in lab studies.


    This is the exact way to make carrot juice which saved RALPH (ralph90015@yahoo.com) from stage 4 cancer

  • Take 2.25 kilos of carrot
  • Wash them briefly in water
  • Cut each carrots top and bottom portion (don't peel it's skin. Peel only that area which has something unusual.)
  • Extract it's juice with the help of  a juicer 
  • Drink this juice many times a times 
  • Do it daily for fast recovery 
He , during his time of treatment did not use organic carrots .They were the normal carrots so if you use organic ones , it'll be more beneficial .He did not use a blender because juicer/juice extractors have more potential to extract the juices. Also a juice extractor removes the indigestible part of the carrot , leaving watery juice that is easy to drink states Ralph   . Do not peel it's skin , as it contains important vitamins /enzymes and falcarindoil , which  help in fighting cancer cells. He also states that one cup of juice to be consume per 30lb  of your weight per day .

You have to quit eating sugar and vegetables oils plus filtered/ double filtered oils during the whole period .Also quit tobacco .


He was diagnosed with cancer of the neck in 2005 , which was spreading to other parts of his body. And he was told to do surgery ,chemo and radiation . Before surgery , he was advised by a friend to take carrot juice as his wife had cured her ovarian cancer by drinking the juice .
Ralph stated drinking 3 pounds (1 pound = 450 grams appx) .A pounds of carrots yeilds appx 1 cup of its juice .

Four months later when he was about to have surgery , fresh MRI (cancer scan) showed that his cancer tumours had shrinked in size . But since the doctors insisted , he did chemo and radiations but avoided the surgery
After 4 months , 2 months of chemo & radiation therapy , the tumours were gone . He stopped drinking carrot juices as he was in doubt that it was chemo & radiation therapy that killed the tumours or the carrot juices .
But shortly after he stopped drinking the carrot juices , again the cancer tumours started to show up in lumps on his chest . So this time he increased his intake of carrot juices by juicing and drinking 5 pounds (2.25kilo app) carrot juices per day which yielded about 5 cups of carrot juice . After the tumour was totally gone , he still drank carrot juice daily for a month . And now he is fit and fine . You can read his full detailed story at www.chrisbeatcancer.com . He is healthy now in 2019 and replies to cancer patients on his BLOG. In here you can interact with him and ask questions on cancer.If you or your relative/friend has cancer ,I'd highly recommend you to scan his blog thoroughly for any new developments . Many cancer patients take his advise , some are even from India .


 She also saved herself from cancer following the procedure of drinking carrot juices . She was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer in June 2012 , got a surgery to remove the cancer but refused chemotherapy as she felt much better .
But to her horror in November itself that year , a cancer scan showed that her colon cancer had grown from stage 3 to stage 4 and  had spread to her lungs . The doctors had told her that she can only survive for 1 or 2 more years even after she had a chemo therapy .
So in this period she came across the article by Rolph Cole stating he had cured his neck cancer by drinking carrot juice which is also effective against various other type of cancers , on the internet .
So from Nov '12 , she began juicing 5 pounds /lbs of carrots daily and drank it . In the mean time , she did not take any chemo , radiation or surgery for her colon or lung tumors . She used to eat her non veg dishes and ice cream unlike Rolph , who did not use them during his self treatment period .
After 1 and half months , Ann went for a cancer scan and found that her cancer tumours had shrunk in size . Again after 4 months of starting the carrot juicing , scan showed that cancer tumours in the lung had vanished. She continued drinking carrots juice till July '13 and there were no cancer traces in her body . She was cancer free and is still living at this time .


We saw two , or there may be many more who have cured themselves from cancer by drinking carrot juices . Insired by these , some new researches are undergoing on the use of mixed juices of carrot apple spinach etc . against fighting and killing cancer.


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