Showing posts with label insomnia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label insomnia. Show all posts

Saturday, July 27, 2019



It is a yoga that ignites the Angi/fire , one of the five elements , within us .

• Sit on a mat , not floor
• Sit in a sukhasana or padmasana pose .
• Put your hands on your lap
• Now touch the root of thumb with ring finger and put the thumb over the ring finger , other three fingers should be straight (not bended)
• Do it with both hands , resting them on your lap
• Now start deep slow breathing , in and out
• Focus on your breath


• Summer - 8 to 10 mins (max)
• Winter -  20 to 24 mins

Note : this yoga ignites heat inside us , which cuts fat ,so in summers /hot climatic conditions , drink a glass of water before doing it . All other yoga's are done in empty stomach but this you can do  15 mins after eating anything


  During sunrise, after taking bath
  During sunset , These are generally the best time otherwise you can also do it in any other part of the day .

* weak persons / underweight
* having acidity
* having fever
* in case of hand injury
* while doing this yoga during summers , keeps room well ventilated


This mudra is fat cutter . Do it regularly to reduce your body fat .  It is good for your eyes also . It helps in releasing toxins from our body . If ur suffering from colds / shivers , this yoga is for you as it ignites Agni , due to which our body temperature rises . It may cure thyroid diseases . It improves digestive systems and is also helps fights insomnia !! Cuts the excess  cholestrol level in our blood .

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Solutions to Insomnia


    Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which a person is unable to sleep at night. There may be various reasons to it which may range from stress , medications , medical conditions , alcohol , use of excess caffeinated drinks like tea coffee or carbonated drinks , fast food , inactivity , old age etc . Addiction to mobile / tablets /PC's / laptops are also current causes of this sleep disorder in children ,teen and adults. 
   This unique technique used by the US ARMY is in much rage over the internet currently . The army uses this secret technique to get fast and proper sleep even during hectic and war days. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019



                                           (Image courtesy of nenetus at )

     People take sleeping pills to fall asleep which should be avoided unless its prescribed by doctors  .Those taking sleeping pills un prescribed , may become addictive to it.They do not provide restful sleep also they don't fix the root of the problem. So going the natural way would save you from the side effects of these sleeping pills. It will take some time but will definitely help you, in the long run. 
     Healthy food provides essential nutrients to our body hence making it strong , similarly a good sleep after dinner is beneficial to our body , primarily to our brain. Its like a tonic to the brain, making it work efficiently . Insomnia means a problem in which a person is not able to sleep properly . Though it might seem to be a minor problem but due to this , in the long run, other disease start growing in our body.  
     Lack of proper sleep  does not only affect our brain but also on skin, eyes etc. The following are certain problem which may be caused due to lack of sufficient sleep :

  • Dark circle are formed around the eyes. 
  • One may even get hair fall problem due to improper sleep .
  • Decreased sexual drive/poor libido due to less production of sexual harmones
  • Poor/lack of concentration
  • Fatigue and laziness
  • High BP
  • Increase in body weight
  • Anxiety
  • Irritational behavior
  • Lack of memory
 Other than these , it also affects our metabolism and immune system due to which we easily get sick,fever , cold ,cough etc


   The causes of Insomnia may vary from Stress, improper balanced diet, eating too much junk foods to drinking too much tea/coffee. Those who sleep during the day and those who use mobiles during night may also get affected by Insomnia.


     So following are some natural remedies by which we can easily defeat Insomnia and within a short time , will be able to sleep properly at night and wake up full of energy in the mornings .
Remedy no 1 
  • Take pumpkin seeds 100 grams ( Buy Here) , 100-150 grams dried dates without seeds (BuyHere) ,100 grams  Almond ( Buy Here) and 50 grams poppy seed ( Buy Here)
  • Dry them in the sun and grind them to make a fine powder
  • Mix them 
  • One spoon is to be taken about  1 hour before going to sleep by mixing it with  lukewarm milk or water.

    Tryptophan, found in pumpkin's seeds, is an essential amino acid that is required by our body for a sound sleep. It relaxes our mind and induces quick sleep . Zinc is another mineral which is important for sleep is found in this seed .Together, Zinc and Tryptophan  , increases serotonin harmones  ( also known as  the happy chemical, because it contributes to well being and happiness ) which is responsible for relaxing the brain . Once the brain relaxes properly, we get sound sleep .
   Poppy seeds are very beneficial for our intestine, skin and brain . Its rich in  zinc , magnesium and manganese .
   Dates are also a rich source of Tryptophan and also having anti oxidant properties . It helps in providing oxygen to the brain .
  If you do not have time , buy them in powdered form .
   Pumpkin seeds powder (Buy Here )
   Dried dates powder ( Buy Here )
   Dried poppy seeds powder ( Buy Here)
   Almond powder ( Buy Here)

Remedy no. 2

  • Take a banana and wash it properly
  • Cut its upper part and lower part and throw the cut pieces
  • Now cut the middle part into 3 or 4 parts and peel the skin 
  • Take a bowl and put 3 cups water in it and put on medium flame gas
  • Now put the cut banana parts along with peeled skin
  • Boil it for 5 minutes
  • Put 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon powder ( BuyHere) or 1 small stick of Cinnamon ( BuyHere
  • Boil for 2-3 more minutes
  • Close the gas and put a lid over the bowl and let it cool
  • Drink it lukewarm 30 mins before going to sleep
    This tea relaxes our muscles and brain. It contains tryptophan which boosts both serotonin and melatonin harmones which are essential to relax the brain. This will benefits those who usually sleep late (due to Insomnia) and also those who wake up in between sleeps at night .

Remedy no 3

  • Take a utensil and put 2 cups of water
  • Then put half spoon of Brahmi powder ( BuyHere) and half spoon of Ashwagandha powder( BuyHere)  in it 
  • Boil it on full flame till the water quantity becomes half 
  • Drink it lukewarm during day
    Brahmi is being used in Ayurveda since ancient times as a brain tonic . It is helpful in removing sleep disorders , eyesight problems and proper functioning of the brain increasing alertness and concentration .It improves blood circulation , hence facilitating the body's natural healing process. 
    Ashwagandha contains an active component  Triethylene glycol , which works wonders to induce sleep .Further more, ashwagandha also helps fight anxiety, stress and exhaustion .

     Follow these rules along with the above mentioned remedies 

  • Set up specific time for waking up and going to sleep i.e. wake up at 6am and sleep by 10 pm ( 8 hrs minimum sleep is must) . In the initial days of following this method may make you feel fatigued but gradually u'll be used to it and your routine will be set within a few days
  • Engage in some sort of physical exercises like walking, running, hitting the gym . Because of these physical activities , u'll get tired and fall sleep automatically in the night
  • Do not work in your bedroom or at least on your bed . Work in a room meant for working or at least on a table with a chair. That will avoid you being too much cozy and avoid the mid naps that you take during works
  • Avoid watching Tvs and mobile before going to bed as it decreases the production of melatonin and serotonin , which are responsible for sleep.
  • Avoid big and heavy dinner before going to bed . Eat light .
  • Avoid Caffeinated drinks like tea /coffee/cold drinks , alcohols and cigarette after evening
  • If you are taking some medications , they may be responsible for lack of sleep. Talk to your doctors about them and get them changed ,if possible. 
  • Have your bedroom at the right temperature.  The best temperatures are found to be 15 degrees to 20 degrees .
  • Use a curtain to block any light coming from out side like street lamps and also sun light early in the morning. You can also use a Sleep Mask ( Check Here )
  • And lastly , stop thinking too much. You cant build a castle just by thinking so there's no use wasting your precious time thinking rather than doing those in real life/practically . Night is for sleeping and not thinking .Day time is for working. 
   Check my previous article on Insomnia Here .Follow these and definitely you'll get good sleep . Any queries /suggestions are most welcome. Thank you 😊