Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Solutions to Insomnia


    Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which a person is unable to sleep at night. There may be various reasons to it which may range from stress , medications , medical conditions , alcohol , use of excess caffeinated drinks like tea coffee or carbonated drinks , fast food , inactivity , old age etc . Addiction to mobile / tablets /PC's / laptops are also current causes of this sleep disorder in children ,teen and adults. 
   This unique technique used by the US ARMY is in much rage over the internet currently . The army uses this secret technique to get fast and proper sleep even during hectic and war days. 
Image credit : Freepix.com


  • Relax your facial muscles including the tongue, jaw  and muscles around the eye
  • Relax your shoulders and drop them as far as possible . 
  • Follow this by your upper and lower arm , one side at a time
  • Breath out relaxing your chest then legs , starting from thighs and work down 
  • Clear your mind of any thoughts for ten seconds by visualising any of the following visuals :
  1. You are in a small boat on a calm river with a clear blue sky above you
  2. You are sleeping in a black velvet hammock in a pitch dark room 
  3. Keep repeating in your mind "don't think , don't think" for 10 seconds 
   Trust me , this technique works upon 96 % of people with 6 weeks continuous practice !!!


   US ARMY is one of the best disciplined army in the world and if it's using this technique since a long time ( it was first published in a book in 1981) then definately it's deemed to work . Give it a try !!

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