Showing posts with label hair growth tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hair growth tips. Show all posts

Saturday, August 3, 2019



   Every one wants to have thick , shiny , lustrous , and dense hair on their scalping but to some some of our mistakes that we do mistakenly to our hair , begets opposite results.  Try these following rules for better hair growth :


  Just as our skin needs to breathe , so does our scalp . Applying excess oil blocks the tiny pores of the hair and clogs it which may cause hair fall. Further more , if the oil is not washed off properly , it may cause dandruff . Apply the right quantity of oil to your scalp. For best results , apply lukewarm oil on the scalp, massage it for 5-10 mind and then wash it after an hour or two.


   When our hair is wet , it's fragile weak and more susceptible to breakage . So after a bath , do not use towel vigorously to dry it. Girls should squeeze the excess water from the hair gently and then pat it dry 


  Combing wet hair  may not be a good idea . Pat to semi dry it  then comb gently a few times with preferable a wooden comb and then let it air dry naturally .Once fully dried , comb it to give the desired hair style you need 

   Traction Alopecia -Wearing tight caps , woolen caps , jacket caps, tight braids , ponytails can also lead to hair breakage as it can reduce the circulation of blood to the scalp and also hair thinning . Hair fall may also occur due to friction of these tight caps /hair styles 


   Study has proven that application of onion juice can grow hair due to the sulphur content in them , which increases hair circulation , promoting new hair growth . Works more for men than women . Simply grate an onion , extract it's juice and apply for 2 hrs with a gentle scalp massage , then wash with any organic shampoo


 Fenugreek has been used from ancient times for hair growth and thickening . Other than proteins vitamin, lecithin &minerals it has nicotinic acid content which is helpful in treating dandruff & hair growth . Soak half cup fenugreek seeds over night in 1/2 litre water, strain this water next morning and apply/pour it on ur hair next day after bath and then dry your hair . Second method is grind the left over seeds to a paste and applied as a hair mask . You can add yoghurt to it . Wash with any organic shampoo after 1-2 hrs . Can be done daily


  Conditioners are not to be applied on the scalp . They should be applied two inches above the scalp on to the hairs. Majority of people apply conditioners in the wrong way resulting in  wrong hair care methods . 

Use these followings tips to get hair growth . Eating a diet of fruits and veggies , proteins , whole grains foods also aid in hair regrowth & overall hair health . Use organic shampoos instead of chemical based shampoos because they are one of the main culprits responsible in current time in hair loss . Also used cold pressed or organic oils as they do not contain harsh products like mineral oil etc , which does more severe damage to you hairs. 

Thursday, July 25, 2019


Hair care tips 

Every one wants beautiful, long, shiny, silky, healthy hair but we do some very common mistakes due to which we we confront problems like hair fall , thin hair etc . Today I gonna tell you some basic hair care techniques , using which you can improve your hair growth and over all hair health naturally . 


As daily  exercises are important for our overall health , in the same way hair requires daily exercise in form of a massage . It helps blood circulate properly to the roots of the hair , proving it essential nutrients and oxygen  for growth . It can be done even without the help of oils. 
For this , rub the scalp in circular motion with your finger tips for minimum 5-10 minutes daily. Make sure to cover the entire scalp and do it gently . Massage regularly to see the difference in a month's time !!  


Do not share your comb , hair brush , brush or towel with anyone as it may cause fungal /bacterial infection/lice sharing & dandruff . Also clean them time to time

 •Avoid Hot water/blowers/iron

Hair should be washed with cool water in summers and Luke warm water in winters . Warm water may destroy the protein , keratin ,(found in the hair strands responsible for the strengthening of your hair ) of your hair which may lead to hair fall/breakage/damage . Hair ironing and blowing do the same thing & should also be avoided everyday . Best ..Air dry your hair . 

•Avoid ammonia based hair dye

                        Image : 

Those using hair dyes must check that the dye is not ammonia based as it will first bleach the hair and  then color it .In this process , the  hair gets damaged .So in order to save the expenses that we occur repairing those damaged hair in future by using serums , hair treatment in spas , using conditioners and hair masks etc , avoid these kinda hair dyes 

•Use Broad combs

Image : 

  Use a broad comb that has broad tooths as clustered tooth combs may damage hair roots while combing and also cause hair breakage and due to express friction , harms the scalp too.

•Use the correct shampoo

                           Image : 

Avoid metal combs or cheap nylon combs as due to fiction they may generate electricity which may lead to hair sensitivity and scalp irritation .
 Many shampoos are chemical based even if they have a tag of "100% natural " or "Herbal" shampoo, which may contain sulphates, formaldehyde , parabens,sodium chloride & artificial fragrances  which in turn damages ur hair & scalp. Check the ingredients which are listed behind the shampoo bottles . Use organic shampoos for best results

 • Sunlight

 Over exposure to sunlight may cause hair damage due to the uv rays of the sun . Morning and evening sunlight may be beneficial but avoid direct afternoon sun rays on your hair . Use a cap/hat/umbrella or a dupatta for protection .


Though these may sound very awkward but if you follow these small tips you will be able to protect your hair from damage . Also eat green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits and avoid junk foods , do regular exercises and yoga and be active . Both external care via the above mentioned methods and internally care by eating the right foods are required to maintain healthy hair health !!