Wednesday, July 10, 2019

TOP 5 effective natural solutions to control DIABETES


   Diabetes, also known as Diabetes Mellitus , has now a days become a common problem for people all over the world. China has about 114 millions diabetic patients while India has about 73 milions .       It is a group of diseases that results in too much sugar (high blood glucose ) in our blood , which in turn leads to other serious health problems . 

                           Image : max pixel

    Glucose is a type of sugar derived from carbohydrates (sugars & starches), present in the food that we consume, in the stomach by acid & enzymes. Glucose is different from the sugar that we get in market which is "sucrose". The stomach and small intestine  in turn send these glucose to our blood. Hence glucose in blood is also called blood glucose  . Insulin a harmone, which is produced in the Pancreas by beta cells , helps blood glucose to get into our cells for energy or storage. 
     But in the case of diabetes , the body is unable to produce sufficient insulin [ type - 1 diabetes ] or when our cells don't respond to insulin [type - 2 diabetes ] ,the glucose level in our blood rises as it is not broken down for energy or stored in the cells , which is also termed as high blood glucose or high blood sugar .

   Today I will tell you 5 easy & natural remedies by which you can control blood sugar levels very effectively and even may cure Diabetes by regular usage of these remedies.


Image : Pixabay

        It is one of the plant that is most commonly found in India. The plant bears red flowers. This plant's leaves & flowers are used in health & cosmetic industries too due to it's medicinal benefits.

  • Take 8-10 hibiscus leaves and wash them
  • Make a paste of those leaves 
  • Add 4 spoon of this paste in a glass of water 
  • Leave it overnight
  • Drink it in an empty stomach the next morning Do not eat/ drink anything 1 hour before or after consuming it

  Ferulic acid is found in the leaves of this plant , which is highly effective in diabetes by curbing the blood sugar level. Within 15 days you will see your sugar levels improving drastically .

    This has efficient potential of treating type 2 diabetes if regularly consumed and is considered on of the most effective remedies


  • Take a cup of drumstick leaves (thoroughly washed)
  • Put it in a mixer/grinder and add a glass of water 
  • Grind them to make juice 
  • Drink it every day in the morning /evening 30 mins before breakfast/lunch 
  • Do not consume any medicines 1 hour before of after consuming the drink 

    An acid , ASCORBIC, is found in drumstick leaves which increases the natural production of insulin drastically ,which in turn helps in lowering our blood sugar levels . Those who take injections of insulin , this juice is like natural insulin for them .As it's also rich in fiber content , it helps us in boosting our metabolism and immune system .

 3.  BAY LEAVES/tejpatta or tejpaat , AEGLE/bail MARMELOS, BLACK PLUM/jamun SEEDS & FENUGREEK SEEDS/methi dana
      Bay leaves are used extensively in Indian cooking. Bail is also a plant also found extensively in the Indian continent along with Jamun . Fenugreek seeds is available in any local grocery store .Dry bail leaves and jamun seeds in the sun.
Make powder of all the above mentioned 4 ingredients separately .


  • Take 50 grams bay leaf powder , 150 grams bail leaves powder , 100 grams black plum/jamun powder and 50 grams Fenugreek powder
  • Mix them and store in a tight glass container
  • Take a cup of Luke warm water
  • Add a spoon of the powder
  • Drink 1hour before breakfast daily

   The bail leaves have antibiotic properties in them which reduces the blood sugar levels in our body . The jamun seeds have anti oxydent properties and rich in fiber which works wonder in controlling diabetes. Bay leaves improves the insulin function in our body and is helpful in type 2 diabetes ( 1) where as Fenugreek improves glocose tolerance and lowers blood sugar levels in both type 1 & 2 diabetes. 


                            Image : Pixabay
   In diabetes , the sugar levels in our body are high and in order to curb this , consumption/usage of opposite foods helps lower the levels very fast . The opposite of sugar is bitter. Hence usage of bitter gourd , neem leaves Fenugreek & aloe vera works wonders to curb it. You may not know but bitter gourd is also called plant insulin. It is rich in vit A,B1, B2 ,C and nutrients found in this plant drastically lower the blood and urine sugar in our body which is also helpful in high BP & hypertension. Even bitter gourd seeds are very beneficial in curbing blood sugar levels


  • Drink a glass of bitter juice daily 


  • 2spoon Indian gooseberry /Amla powder
  • 1spoon bitter gourd seed powder
  • 1 spoon Fenugreek powder
  • Half spoon neem leaf powder
  • Consume it in a glass of water in empty stomach in the morning
   Since it is bitter in taste you can take a pinch of salt or suck upon a small piece of lemon for the bitter taste to fade off. Taking it regularly may help you cure  diabetes and you won't even require to take medicines .


  • Take 1 to 2 kilo bitter gourd 
  • Make it's  juice 
  • Take a small tub/bucket
  • Add about 1 litre warm water (so much so that it doesn't burn your feet/skin ) in the tub/bucket
  • Add the juice in this warm water 
  • Now sit on a chair and put your feet in the tub/bucket for 20-30 mins
  • Make sure both your feet sink in the water for best benefits 
  • Keep rubbing your foot with each other as you do while washing your feets. 
  • Do this 2-3 times /week for maximum benefits
    Our feet pours will suck the bitterness of the vegetable , which will instantly lower the increased blood sugars of our body . You will feel it's bitterness in mouth after sitting for 20 minutes. 

   Other than this try to eat very less sugary foods or even stop using sugar because processed sugar is full of chemicals having 0 nutrients. If you feel like having sweets , eat fruits as they have natural sugars in them like papaya , guava , promagranade , pineapple , kiwi , oranges etc. 
   Also when you are using these home made remedies also have a positive thinking i.e. have a trust on these remedies . That will make a lot of difference also avoid those foods that are to be avoided . Do not take stress. In order to curb stress , do meditations and physical exercises on a regular basis. They are also a potential factor in curing any disease . Avoid tobacco , cigarettes , etc . Also the positive thinking will make you internally happy hence  help you fight stress as little stress can boost your blood sugar levels. 



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