Sunday, June 30, 2019



         In India there's a saying "साँप किसी का नही होता " i.e. a snake will bite you even if you feed it daily . Between there is also a scientific view that  pet snakes do not recognise you as your cat/dog does.
    Dogs are one of the best pet animal we humans have been keeping since  ancient time . It was used to protect our herds of sheep's /goats / cows buffaloes from wolves etc and in modern times protects our home and country also (they can sniff bombs , isn't it?) . Dogs (evens all pet animals in general ) help us relieve our mental stresses .
     Dogs are the best honest animals to the most dishonest creature on the planet , that's us , we humans !! Below are just two of the many incidents in which dogs save their owner from poisonous snakes :


     Mr Gangadharan , a retired govt. Officer used to live with his wife . They had adopted a dog three years ago ,who was of dash breed , named Mouli.
  One day , their dog was barking unusually loud inside the room  .When the couple opened the door to inquire the reason of his barking , Mouli ran out of the house and pounced on the snake . The fight went for about half an hour .  The brave dog was able to kill the 5ft long cobra but he too succumbed to the poison of the reptile, three minutes after the battle was over.
   (This article was published in India today )


    Mr Raita lived in Sebekpur village , Bhubaneswar .The area is located on a foothill , surrounded with dense shrubs and often wild animals and reptiles sneek into animal shreds and in human houses .  That's why he had adopted a pet Doberman for his and his family's safety. There were 8 members in his family.
   One night , four snakes tried to intrude his house but due to the alertness of the dog ,who was guarding their house, were stopped . A fierce battle followed after that in which the Doberman was able to kill all the cobra snakes but himself succumbed after few minutes due to the poison of the reptiles . The owner , who had adopted this dog couple of months before, emotionally said he was really moved by the incident .The dog had sacrificed himself to save his owner & family. He further added that he and his family will also remember the dog for saving their lives throughout their lifetime  !!
   When this news broke out ,hundreds of people from surrounding villages came and laid flowers on the brave dog. Later on he was given a funeral procession before being buried.
(This article was published in Deccan Chronicle)

  The above are just two of the numerous  incidents in which dogs/cats have saved their owners from this poisonous reptile. And not in all the cases the pets have died .I actually came across these two articles ,in which sadly ,they have succumbed to the poison of cobras by saving their owners. Many others are still alive. Between ,the cobras are responsible for 10,000 human deaths in India / year .
  So if you have pet , you may save your self from these reptiles .Dogs are very intelligent animals and they can smell from quiet a long distant ,the incoming danger . Scientifically , a dog's smelling sense is about 4000 times stronger than humans !!
  Some would say that they don't have money to buy high breed dogs. Well in that case you can adopt a stray puppy and vaccinate him . This is also a good option .Even I don't have money but I have adopted a street dog . He is 3 years old now and is very active . A dog will also guard you and your family against thrives/robbers ,isn't it ?
   Be it any animal ,don't hurt them un necessarily . Be a good human and not an animal .


Saturday, June 29, 2019



      Banana is a fruit that is found almost every where in the world also it is found throughout the year in all seasons !! Though it may look very simple yet amazing are it's health benefits .


   Banana is very beneficial for our heart and maintaining a normal BP .Its rich in pottasium & fiber and has low amount of sodium  by which our BP remains under control . The nutrients present in a banana helps in removing the bad cholesterol from our arteries due to which our cardio vascular system becomes strong , hence we remain at bay from heart related diseases .Further more this pottasium helps the circulatory system of our body in providing oxygen to our brain and maintain a proper water balance in our body.


   Banana is the only fruit that is helpful in controlling loose motion & acidity. In case of stomach upset, food poisoning , vomitting , diahrreah etc .Eating banana provides us with energy ,relief in stomach ache  and bowel movement becomes smooth .The daily intake of fiber is 20grams and 26 grams  for women and men respectively. And according to the USDA , 1 Banana has about 3 grams of fiber . This dietary fiber can help you feel full longer , keeping your digestive processes running smoothly .

    Consumption of banana is very beneficial in case of low blood level and iron level for our body . Specially for women , after a certain age , problems like Anemia and Weakness start to inhibit their body due to which the body tends to become weak. Regular consumption of banana not only removes the problem of Anemia but also drizziness , weakness and head ache .


      Bromelain enzyme is found in bananas .This is responsible for boosting the sexual harmonies in our body . Those who are facing the problems of lack of libido /sexual weakness , they should include bananas in their regular diet .


    Eating only two bananas will give you energy to work out for about one and half hours !! It's also recommended to eat during mid day low when you feel tired or sluggish .So forget tea & coffees or sugary candies and indulge yourselves in eating a banana at that time . It provides a level of energy that lasts longer without the dramatic crash caused by caffeine .


  Banana has the capacity to end constipation .The fiber found in it promotes the restoration and maintenance of regular bowel functions . It tosses out the laxatives which likely have chemicals or other synthetic substances in them .


  Believe it or not but bananas can lift your spirits !! They have an amino acid called tryptophan , which is necessary for the production of serotonin ,a mood regulating substance which contributes to the fellings of relaxation and happyness . It is also responsible for sleep in human beings . People suffering from depression often reported felling better after having a banana 

    Bananas are virtually fat & cholesterol free .They contain three natural sugars namely sucrose , fructose and glucose which are free from  fat & cholesterol .

   Furthermore ,due to its thick skin , pesticides and pollutants are rarely found inside the bananas . So don't forget to include them in your smoothies , shakes  and cereals . Not only that , you can use them in baking and cooking instead of using refined sugar !! 

Friday, June 28, 2019



                        (Image credit - )

    Unclean stomach begets 108 diseases - Ayurveda .

   These diseases include from hair loss to hemmoroids,High BP ,ulcer, bloating,acidity,skin infections,loss of appetite, heaviness, headache, laziness etc.
   A 3000 years old ancient Indian remedy for constipation is Triphala , meaning made from three herbs, as its called in hindi and it is made by a combination of , Harad ( Terminalia Chebula ), Baheda (Terminalia Bellirica ) and Amla (Indian Gooseberry / Emblica  Officinalis) in the ratio 1:2:3 respectively. Now , hearing it some will say , oh damn !! I've used it but it dint work, then my dear friend you did not follow the right procedure that it has to be taken or may be you didn't get the right "quality" product.

  • The main ingredient in Triphala is Amla .Take 550 grams fresh Indian gooseberry and wash them properly. Then grate it with the help of grater and collect the pulp in a clean steel container . Dry it in the sun for 6-8 days thoroughly .After that make its powder in a mixer/blender. 
FAQ - Why make so much fuss ,instead just buy Amla powder from store/shop !!

ANS - Peeling of boiled amla and then drying it in the sun is the practice that maximum commercial companies do, as it saves their time. The result of it is that, all  the essential minerals and vitamins that amla has gets evaporated and that residual dried amla is of no use to us .Thats why i have never given any amla powder links in any of my previous posts. Hence do it this way .

  • Take 100 grams small  Harad(black coloured) . Here also people make mistake . They buy big or badi Harad either to save money(as its cheap compared to small Harad) or mistankenly  . Hence they do not get the full benefits of it.
  • Now make powder in mixer/grinder and keep aside
  • Take 200 grams Behada_powder .( If you get it as a whole, crush it,throw the seeds inside and then grind to make powder )
  • Now take 300 grams of died amla (which we had dried earlier ) and also make powder of it.
  • Mix the three  powder and keep it in a glass container.
  • Our homemade Triphala is ready
  • Best use within 4 months
  • Take it (3-5 grams) two hour after dinner ,30min - 1 hour before you sleep with Luke warm water or milk or mix it with jaggery .
     It should be continued for 2 months then leave it for 1 month . Those who have went through radiation i.e. cancer patient etc should take it in ratio of 1:1:1 because they already have lot of vitamin C in their body . The following persons should not take Triphala powder :
  • Pregnant women or who are Breast feeding their child
  • If malnutritioned
  • During fasts or dieting
  • Severe weight loss
  • Diarrhea or dysentery 
  • Excessive dryness or acidity
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases IBD
  • If taking medicines for blood thinning
  • If taking other medications , cheak with your doc if Triphala is acceptable for you
     Do you know Triphala also has anti cancer properties and works better than Chawanprash that we eat for our daily immunity and energy ? We will discuss about it in my next blogs . This remedy is only for those people who always have constipation problems or have had this problem for a long time . Thanks for reading 😊

Thursday, June 27, 2019



  Every body wants dense growth on their scalp . Today I m gonna tell you a simple remedy which is beneficial for those who have thin hair and dandruff . It's use will also benefit in new hair growth .


  • Take 2-3 hibiscus flowers (red) and a handful the plants leaves 
  • Wash them properly 
  • Then put them in about 500ml -750 ml water distilled water
  • Mash them with your hands till the water becomes sticky and light refined oil colour . 
  • Strain the water 
  • Now apply this water on your scalp and massage it for 5 mins
  • Wash hair with water (do not shampoo )
    Hibiscus or Hibiscus Rosa sinensis linn have been long used in India as a hair tonic ,specially south indian state Kerela . Researches show that it's useful in all stages of hair growth like anagen ,catagen and telogen .Petroleum ether extract of its leaves have a significant growth effect and makes it effective in treating alopecia .Also rich amino acids in the flowers stimulates hair growth from dormant follicles and bald patches. It also nourishes your hair ,strengthen its roots and keeps it lustrous and healthy, besides naturally conditioning your hair .
      Meanwhile it's also rich in Vitamin C ,which strengthens the hair follicles and prevents hair loss .It also fights issues like dandruff and itchy scalp .

[Note : You can also use it in powder form but buy organic product for best results . Your can also instead of mashing with hands , blend it in a blender . I prefer mashing it for about 20 mins with my hands . ]

    This remedy is good in all three cases Dandruff , Hair growth and Hair thickening ,totally 100 % natural remedy . Thanks for reading 😊

Wednesday, June 26, 2019



        Today everyone is affected by hair fall be it men or woman . Even those in teens are having this problem now a days. So today I share with you a homemade remedy that is made by a plant which is found mostly around the world . Guava plant's leaves . In this I'll discuss two methods of using it 

  • Take a handful of guava leaves
  • Wash it with water thoroughly 
  • Make its paste in a grinder/mixer
  • Apply on your scalp for 30 mins 
  • Wash it off with any Organic shampoo 
       Use this remedy thrice in a month for best results. Make sure the guava leaves that you have plucked ,is not situated near a drain or sewage pipe .If you don't find the leaves nearby you, you can order it online

  • Take a handful of guava leaves
  • Boil them in water for 20 mins (medium flame)
  • Turn off the gas and let it cool till Luke warm
  • Strain the water
  • Apply this water on your scalp with sprayer or cotton balls
  • Massage for 5 mins
  • You can leave it over night / day for best results
  • Wash it off the next day 
    Apply this twice / thrice a week for best results .

Guava leaves Properties 

        Guava leaves have proven to have antioxidant ,anti microbial (kills bacterial &viruses) and anti immflamatory properties (1) which help fight dandruff there by keeping the scalp clean and healthy .Also it's rich in Vitamin B & C ,thaimine ,riboflavine and follic acid which boosts collagen activity there by promoting growth of new hair follicles and also nourishes them so they grow up strong and healthy.

  Try these two methods for a period of 30 days and you'll definately see the difference . Any query/suggestions would be greatly welcomed . Thank you 😄

Tuesday, June 25, 2019



                                           (Image courtesy of nenetus at )

     People take sleeping pills to fall asleep which should be avoided unless its prescribed by doctors  .Those taking sleeping pills un prescribed , may become addictive to it.They do not provide restful sleep also they don't fix the root of the problem. So going the natural way would save you from the side effects of these sleeping pills. It will take some time but will definitely help you, in the long run. 
     Healthy food provides essential nutrients to our body hence making it strong , similarly a good sleep after dinner is beneficial to our body , primarily to our brain. Its like a tonic to the brain, making it work efficiently . Insomnia means a problem in which a person is not able to sleep properly . Though it might seem to be a minor problem but due to this , in the long run, other disease start growing in our body.  
     Lack of proper sleep  does not only affect our brain but also on skin, eyes etc. The following are certain problem which may be caused due to lack of sufficient sleep :

  • Dark circle are formed around the eyes. 
  • One may even get hair fall problem due to improper sleep .
  • Decreased sexual drive/poor libido due to less production of sexual harmones
  • Poor/lack of concentration
  • Fatigue and laziness
  • High BP
  • Increase in body weight
  • Anxiety
  • Irritational behavior
  • Lack of memory
 Other than these , it also affects our metabolism and immune system due to which we easily get sick,fever , cold ,cough etc


   The causes of Insomnia may vary from Stress, improper balanced diet, eating too much junk foods to drinking too much tea/coffee. Those who sleep during the day and those who use mobiles during night may also get affected by Insomnia.


     So following are some natural remedies by which we can easily defeat Insomnia and within a short time , will be able to sleep properly at night and wake up full of energy in the mornings .
Remedy no 1 
  • Take pumpkin seeds 100 grams ( Buy Here) , 100-150 grams dried dates without seeds (BuyHere) ,100 grams  Almond ( Buy Here) and 50 grams poppy seed ( Buy Here)
  • Dry them in the sun and grind them to make a fine powder
  • Mix them 
  • One spoon is to be taken about  1 hour before going to sleep by mixing it with  lukewarm milk or water.

    Tryptophan, found in pumpkin's seeds, is an essential amino acid that is required by our body for a sound sleep. It relaxes our mind and induces quick sleep . Zinc is another mineral which is important for sleep is found in this seed .Together, Zinc and Tryptophan  , increases serotonin harmones  ( also known as  the happy chemical, because it contributes to well being and happiness ) which is responsible for relaxing the brain . Once the brain relaxes properly, we get sound sleep .
   Poppy seeds are very beneficial for our intestine, skin and brain . Its rich in  zinc , magnesium and manganese .
   Dates are also a rich source of Tryptophan and also having anti oxidant properties . It helps in providing oxygen to the brain .
  If you do not have time , buy them in powdered form .
   Pumpkin seeds powder (Buy Here )
   Dried dates powder ( Buy Here )
   Dried poppy seeds powder ( Buy Here)
   Almond powder ( Buy Here)

Remedy no. 2

  • Take a banana and wash it properly
  • Cut its upper part and lower part and throw the cut pieces
  • Now cut the middle part into 3 or 4 parts and peel the skin 
  • Take a bowl and put 3 cups water in it and put on medium flame gas
  • Now put the cut banana parts along with peeled skin
  • Boil it for 5 minutes
  • Put 1 teaspoon of Cinnamon powder ( BuyHere) or 1 small stick of Cinnamon ( BuyHere
  • Boil for 2-3 more minutes
  • Close the gas and put a lid over the bowl and let it cool
  • Drink it lukewarm 30 mins before going to sleep
    This tea relaxes our muscles and brain. It contains tryptophan which boosts both serotonin and melatonin harmones which are essential to relax the brain. This will benefits those who usually sleep late (due to Insomnia) and also those who wake up in between sleeps at night .

Remedy no 3

  • Take a utensil and put 2 cups of water
  • Then put half spoon of Brahmi powder ( BuyHere) and half spoon of Ashwagandha powder( BuyHere)  in it 
  • Boil it on full flame till the water quantity becomes half 
  • Drink it lukewarm during day
    Brahmi is being used in Ayurveda since ancient times as a brain tonic . It is helpful in removing sleep disorders , eyesight problems and proper functioning of the brain increasing alertness and concentration .It improves blood circulation , hence facilitating the body's natural healing process. 
    Ashwagandha contains an active component  Triethylene glycol , which works wonders to induce sleep .Further more, ashwagandha also helps fight anxiety, stress and exhaustion .

     Follow these rules along with the above mentioned remedies 

  • Set up specific time for waking up and going to sleep i.e. wake up at 6am and sleep by 10 pm ( 8 hrs minimum sleep is must) . In the initial days of following this method may make you feel fatigued but gradually u'll be used to it and your routine will be set within a few days
  • Engage in some sort of physical exercises like walking, running, hitting the gym . Because of these physical activities , u'll get tired and fall sleep automatically in the night
  • Do not work in your bedroom or at least on your bed . Work in a room meant for working or at least on a table with a chair. That will avoid you being too much cozy and avoid the mid naps that you take during works
  • Avoid watching Tvs and mobile before going to bed as it decreases the production of melatonin and serotonin , which are responsible for sleep.
  • Avoid big and heavy dinner before going to bed . Eat light .
  • Avoid Caffeinated drinks like tea /coffee/cold drinks , alcohols and cigarette after evening
  • If you are taking some medications , they may be responsible for lack of sleep. Talk to your doctors about them and get them changed ,if possible. 
  • Have your bedroom at the right temperature.  The best temperatures are found to be 15 degrees to 20 degrees .
  • Use a curtain to block any light coming from out side like street lamps and also sun light early in the morning. You can also use a Sleep Mask ( Check Here )
  • And lastly , stop thinking too much. You cant build a castle just by thinking so there's no use wasting your precious time thinking rather than doing those in real life/practically . Night is for sleeping and not thinking .Day time is for working. 
   Check my previous article on Insomnia Here .Follow these and definitely you'll get good sleep . Any queries /suggestions are most welcome. Thank you 😊

Friday, June 21, 2019



     Paralysis is a disease in which one is not able to move his body fully or partially and is not able to feel in the portion in which he is affected. It is generally believed that the left portion of the body, if paralysed , will take more time to heal as heart is generally situated in the left side of our body. 
    Today i am just giving these three remedies which will work amazingly for paralysis treatment .


  1.      Massaging the patient with oils is a very important part in recovery . Always remember to massage the head  or the body affected by paralysis separately i.e. if  you are massaging the head, then do not massage the affected area like hand feet face etc. 

  • take 25 grams of any Organic Black Pepper 
  • crush them to make fine powder
  • take about  150 - 200 grams of Organic Sesame ,Castor or Olive oil 
  • put this on very very low flame on gas in a utensil  and put the powdered black pepper into it
  • let it be there for about 15 - 25 mins
  • When the color of the pepper starts to change ,put off the gas 
  • put the utensil down and cover it with a lid
  • massage this lukewarm on patients affected area gently.
    2.     This method requires the patient to take oil through Nasal .

  • Take any Organic Cold Pressed Kalaunji/Nigella Sativa Oil
  • Lay the patient straight on bed.
  • Gently lower his head by holding his chin up
  • Drop only 1 drop (not more) of this oil into his nostril( so that the oil doesn't flow out) with the help of a dropper (Image here ) on the opposite side of paralysed area i.e. if his left part is paralysed, it should be dropped into the right nostril.
  • tell the patient to inhale the oil gently by closing the other nostril with fingers.(inhale from nostril and exhale from mouth.)
  • Initially it  come to the throat  but with gradual practice, it'll be fine
This remedy is so effective that in 10 days one will be able to see the results. The affected area will begin to move slighly and continued practice can make him fully recover. It has to be done daily once.
    3.     This method should be done Orally

Apart from these breathing exercises should be told  to be done by the patient like Anulom Vilom. If the patient is unable to move and unable to do pranayams/yoga , then tell him to take deep long  breathe 100 times  , as per his capacity . Diet chats and more ill be discussed in my following blogs 
        Thanks for reading And if any query/suggestions, do comment in the comment box. 😊



Image Courtesy :

     In simple words , the loss of ability to move or sometimes to feel anything in part or most of the body,mostly due to poison, injury or illness , is termed as paralysis .
     Anulom Vilom , a pranayam (control of breathing ) ,had helped Baba Ramdev in curing his Paralysis of the left part of the body . If a person has got paralysis and he does this yoga asap, there are many chances that he will be fully fit by maximum 30 days .It can also cure those who have had paralyis from a long time . In here, we will be mainly focussing on Paraplegia and Hemiplegia (refer Here for causes types etc of paralysis )

  • Sit in a padmasana  pose 
  • Close the left nostril with left thumb and breathe from the right nostril
  • Hold the breathe
  • Now close the right nostril with your left ring finger by putting outer pressure on right  nostrils, and loosen the left thumb pressure off the left nostril
  • Breathe out via left nostril
  • The breathing ,holding and exhaling time ratio should be 1:1:1 respectively For eg. if breathing in time is 5 secs , it should be same for holding that breathe and exhaling time
  •  Now inhale from left nose ,hold ,then leave again from right nose with hand posture being the same as mentioned above .
  • You have to keep focus on the breath the entire time you are doing this pranayam
  • Do this for 15 minutes for few days, then increase it to 30 minutes gradually per day , then increase it 30 minutes per day twice, morning ( preferable empty stomach after doing poo ) and evening ( 4 hrs after meals ) . To be done in a cool & silent place 
  • To get the maximum benefits please consult a yoga teacher. He will be able to help you in the maximum way .

Head ,spine and neck should be straight and you should sit in Padmasana posture (see Image -5 below)
                                                                 (Image - 5 )
                                                        (Image courtesty Wikipedia)   

       If the patient can't sit in this pose then make him sit on a chair with head,neck and spine straight ,  feet should touch the ground completely with thighs & knees  put together. Do it gradually and easily. He/she may take time to get the position right as he/she is already in pain due to paralysis.
Now lets assume the persons Right portion is affected by paralysis . Now see image 1 & 2 below

     Image 1 is the initial position . and Image -2 is the final position in which the index finger is tucked between the outer are of thumb region .The right hand should also have the same posture and be rested on the knee-ball region as shown in Image no 5.

Now see image 3 below. This is the posture in which the thumb will close the left nostril . Air has to be inhaled from right nostril and be held .

  •     In image 4,  The ring finger will close the nostril and the  air pass out though right nostril.The thumb should be loosened in that case.       
                   Below is a video by Ramdev Baba of Anulom Vilom Pranayama

Other Remedies 
  • Applying pressure on the upper portion of ring finger also helps cure paralysis
  • Applying pressure on the channels of hand and feet of the affected parts of the body also helps in curing paralysis . If affected on the right part of the body, press the right hand /feet channels 
Benefits of doing Anulom Vilom
  • Improves functionality of lungs 
  • can curb growing 1st stage Cancer 
  • Purifies the blood
  • Helps to prevent diabetes 
  • Helps to balance the sugar level in body
  • Cures Anxiety
  • Cures Depression'
  • Strengthens your cardio vascular system there by reducing all disorders related to heart.
  • May help in reduction of obesity 
  • Deep lung breathing keeps Asthma,Bronchitis ,TB  etc at bay
  • Regular practice aids in migraine pain reduction
  • Cures liver diseases
  • Boosts up your Confidence
  • Makes you active and happy
  • Helps your skin glow
Since every person has a different body structure , its best to do yoga under the guidance of a yoga teacher, to get the maximum benefits. I'll give more remedies in my next blogs as this blog has become lengthy . Thanks for Reading 😊

Thursday, June 20, 2019



        Today i gonna tell you an easy 5 minute powder - diet to boost your hair growth in an easy way . This does not only help in hair growth and making it strong/healthier but also will fight dandruff, eczema and other skin problems.


⚬   Heat a pan on medium heat and put 3/4th table spoon of Flax seeds
⚬   Keep stirring them for 4-5 mins 
⚬   Then grind them to fine powder in a mortar/grinder and its ready to be consumed

    Add this to your breakfast with hot or cold cereals or you can mix it with about 200 grams of yogurt and consume it . You can also consume it with a glass of  warm water in the mornings.
Note : Since its rich in fiber ,it should be taken with plenty of water or other fluids. Do not consume it at the same time as other oral medications.


Flax seeds(BuyHere) or Alsi ke bij in hindi, are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which nourishes our hair follicles and also provides elasticity to the  hair, hence they become healthier and stronger.Also Omega 3 fatty acids have great anti - imflammatory properties which help fight itchy scalp, dandruff and cicatrical alopecia , in this form of baldness the growth of  healthy hair stops due to scarring of hair follicles ,thereby promoting hair growth.
Flax seeds are also rich in vitamins (specially E) ,proteins and minerals like zinc,iron,magnesium,calcium,phosphorus,selenium etc which in turn makes it a super food for hair. Intake of flax seeds in regular basis can nourish our scalp and hair , keep them hydrated, stop premature graying, prevent split ends etc. These seeds are rich in lignin which in turn boosts our digestive procedure and metabolism by regularising our bowel movement . As our internal system works properly, we stay away from many diseases which in turn are responsible for hair loss problems
Also due to the rich source of highly soluble and insoluble dietary fibers in Flax seeds(BuyHere)  ,our intestines function properly and remains healthy, there by helping the body cells to absorb sufficient nutrients required for our hair growth and also for our body .

Thank you for reading . Do share this article to your friends/family if you liked it 😊

Tuesday, June 18, 2019



       "Kalaunji is a remedy for all diseases except death " - An ancient saying.

      In today's age be it ladies or gents, both the sexes are worried about their age People are losing hair at an early age and baldness has become a common scene now a days.  Main important reasons may be attributed to modern and sedentary lifestyle and use of some commercial products which instead of providing benefits to hair ,harms it 
       So today I bring you a simple and effective homemade remedy , which was prevalent in ancient egyptian and  indian times. It's a hair growth booster and its ingredients are right there in your kitchen !!


  • Take 2 spoons of Organic Kalaunji ( Nigella_Sativa seeds )
  • Put it in a pan on a medium heat and keep stirring it
  • After 2-3 minutes when fumes rises, turn off gas and put pan down
  • Make a powder of those seeds in a mortar/grinder/mixer
  • Put the powder in a glass bowl and add 2 spoons of olive oil
  • Now add half lemon juice to this 
  • Mix all the ingredients well with a spoon


  • Now apply this on your scalp and massage gently, in a circular motion, for 10 minutes
  • Leave it for an hour and wash it with any Organic Shampoo.
  • Apply this oil 3-4 times on your hair per week .
  • Results will be seen within a month of regular usage.
  • Can be stored for 8 days in refrigerator .


        Kalaunji is rich in Iron. It has many nutrients and rich in minerals like potassium  and calcium also its contains 15 types of amino acids which is very beneficial to your hair providing it nourishment and essential proteins to stop hair fall and boost hair growth .
      Olive oil provides essential fatty acids to the hair also is a rich source of vitamin E, which in turns stimulates the hair growth .


        Also change your lifestyle, be more active , do yogas or exercising , eat plenty of seasonal green veggies, fruits and avoid junk foods, smoking alcohol and other bad habits . Then definately the outcome will be more positive.
      Thanks for reading 😊 . Your comments / suggestions are most welcome and do share this article if you liked it with family/friends

Monday, June 17, 2019



      In 2010 , two doctors/scientists , drank lauki juice ,as they were diabetic patient , and died .(even i was at that time at Delhi, and probably every Delhiite who had heard this news , was in a shock).
     Similarly, in June 16,2018 , a woman ,aged 41 years died , with no underlying medical conditions .The doctors say that many such cases comes to them, which are unreported .[source - 2 ]
    Roughly, in both the above cases , the victims had severe  stomach ache,vommiting  diarrhea , and loose motion within 30 mins. - 1 hour of drinking the juice , and eventually died in the following days .


                                            [ Image source - ]
     Lauki/Bottle gourd juice is a boon in many ways to patients of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, flatulence, cooling properties, liver diseases, weight loss and other associated benefits. It is part of complementary and alternative therapy which is widely prevalent in India. (Source 1 )  .So what happens that this boon turn into a Bane ? 
     Doctors say Tetracyclic Triterpenoid Cucurbitacin (according to Indian Council of Medical Research ICMR ) , a complex compound ,found in the entire cucumber family that includes pumpkin, cucumber, bottle gourd, ridge gourd( tori/turai), indian apple gourd(tinde), bottle gourd, squash, eggplants ,melons ,are highly toxic for mammals,which is mainly found in wild cucumber family. Where as in their domestic grown counterparts have cucurbitacin in limited amounts. Some types of stress during growth, change in weather conditions, cross pollination between wild plants,poor fertilization,pesticides, injected chemicals, lack of adequate water are some of the scientific causes . Also some say that those grown near dirty or contaminated areas/water , tend to get poisonous.
                                                            [ Image source : Pixabay ]


    By taking these steps we can save ourselves from the danger that this class of plant family possesses. And there's no need to panic or throw your fave zucchini or cucumber/bottle gourd outta your kitchen !!!
  • Always buy organic vegetables
  • Try not mixing it with other vegetable juices 
  •  Now the best part (which i have been following since 2010 ) , before your cook or make juice out of Bottle gourd, cut a part , taste it , and if it tastes bitter, throw it . Same is the case for pumpkin, eggplant  ,cucumber, etc . It can be called " a poor man's test "  and can be availed by even a poor person . This bitter taste signifies that the plant is toxic.
  • Do not buy vegetables that are unusually big in size as they may be injected with some chemicals for growth .
Hope you like this article . Thank you 😊

Sunday, June 16, 2019


    Life is busy now a days and people do not have time . Hence i bring a simple and easy remedy which not only will boost hair growth but will also thicken your hair . This easiest to do method will show its results in just a weeks time . And guess what ? It uses just one ingredient !!

  • Take about two spoons of Organic-Fenugreek seeds  
  • Add 1 glass of  filtered water and leave them soaked over night . (  Half glass water for boys and 1 glass for girls )
  • Now filter the water next morning with a sieve (keep the filtered seeds aside )
  • After you have shampooed and   washed your hair properly, wet your hair with this water by pouring it over your hair.
  • Now dry your hair gently...Simple ,isn't it !!
METHOD - 2 (for Hair Pack)

  • Make a paste of the remaining seeds which you had soaked
  • Add 2 spoons of  yogurt 
  • Mix them and apply on your scalp.
  • Leave for 1 - 2 hrs
  • Wash with any Organic-Shampoo
         Fenugreek seed's water stimulates the hair follicles hence promoting hair growth.They are a good source of protein  which in turn helps strengthening the hair roots and preventing its breakage. It also improves the blood circulation as it contains iron .It nourishes the hair follicles, cleans them, strengthens them hence making them thick.It also has anti dandruff properties .It helps hair grow in the bald patch area of the scalp. It'll make your hair shiny and glossy too. 

       Do try these methods and share your views/suggestions in the comment section below. Happy Sunday 😊

Saturday, June 15, 2019



              When we have to put on the fan or a light, we simply switch on the plug of those ,on the switch board. Now replace the  switch board with our brain,the wires with the spinal cords and nerves and fan with any organs like hand ,feet etc. Now suppose we have to move our hand ,a thought will come in our brain.It will send that message via a chemical release to the spinal cord and the nerves and will be finally be delivered to our muscles and that will help us move our hand,feet,etc. Then they will operate as an electric fan runs . Our all the movements are governed by this co ordination of brain,spinal cords ,nerves and muscles. If any of these four doesn't work properly, it may be Paralysis. It may effect our face ,partially or fully, right portion or left portion of our hand/feet or our full body. It depends which portion of the brain is affected, due to which it is unable to send chemical signals to that "part" of that body.


       The brain gives us symptoms before an attack of paralysis takes place (except for SUDDEN CAUSES). We have to feel these in order to save our selves from this disease. Prompt action may divert the disease's affect upon us.
       The following are the most common symptoms for paralysis,which may be felt before or after the onset of paralysis in a person . If you feel any of the below symptoms ,you should consult a doctor immediately.
BLOOD CLOT (thrombus=blood clot)
  Image credits :

             It may be due to frequent headaches that you be feeling, due to high BP or hyper-tension.This is one of the common symptoms which one feels just before getting a head ache.  

            This is also one of the causes that we feel before getting Paralysed. If you want to convey a thing via speech but you are unable to do so properly or you are saying something else than what you want to say,this may relate to paralysis symptoms.

      If at frequent times you are unable to clearly see an object, this too might be related to the symptoms of paralysis.

          It may be yet another cause of paralysis. You may feel that you are frequently forgetting the most common things.

         Suppose you want to move in a certain direction like you want to move your hand/feet here but its not responding properly and moving there, this too may be a sign of paralysis.

         If you feeling tinkling/jerking at different parts of the body like lips/hands/feet/chest ,these might yet be another symptoms of paralysis.


are one of the causes for paralysis . Hypertension or high BP patients , who do not take medicines at times or also those who ignore their doctors advice , their blood pressure may shoot off and this may lead to blood hemorrhage in the brain ,causing Stroke,which may in turn develop into paralysis.Other causes of strokes are tobacco smoking,obesity,high blood cholesterol,diabetes,etc
         Prevailing diseases like  cerebral palsy, Parkinson's disease, JBS disease ,multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy ,Polio myelitis may also cause paralysis.


                    Sudden causes like Trauma due to accident in which we get hurt in the brain or spinal cords can also lead to paralysis.It may be due to vehicle related injury or an injury during sports .
               These are some other causes also ,depending upon the individual,  which may lead to paralysis.

                                                   Image source :

              (Hemi means half) This is a conditon in which half the body doesn't work partially or fully .For instance, half portion of face like eyes ,mouth,lips or the half portion of the face as a whole. Like wise if we take our hand,some fingers may be affected or the wrist or the hand as a whole. The left portion of the brain controls the right portion of our body and vice-versa. So suppose if our left portion of the brain gets damaged,it will effect the left portion movement of our body,partially or fully.


               In this condition ,normally  the lower body is affected like feet and you may have to use a wheel chair/walking stick to walk around. This may be mainly caused by trauma due to an injury on the spinal cord via  vehicle/sport etc related accidents.

             In this condition,normally,the region below neck doesn't work i.e. almost the whole body. 

             This was my first blog regarding Paralysis. In my following blogs under this heading, ill discuss common home made natural remedies , which will help in healing a paralysed person. Thanks for reading 😊
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